Well, that was a long while...what have I been doing?

Posted by Scott_AW on March 14, 2013, 12:36 p.m.

So I've still be steadily working on OCD, now properly named Orbital Contract Defense.

I've made a facebook page, MoDDB and gamejolt profile. I'm sticking with it being free to play when its out, due to licensing hassles and also just making side change from ads linked to youtube and gamejolt gives a little bonus as the game gets more interest.


The link above usually has the latest info on whats being done. I try and make videos for when features are accomplished. I still need to work out including a Inventory system I found on the eduke32 forums, as well as needing to make a text based conversation system.

Currently I'm just using free music I find on the webs, since I'm not selling the game, I'm being a bit more loose on what resources I use audio wise.

Also a character selection will be added later in development. Thankfully I have a ton of reference material from other Duke3d mods and code to work with. EDuke32 expanded greatly on the original CON script, allowing you to do some fancy fun stuff.

So thats about it for now. Nothing to report on the weird side of stuff I look into, but I think the news and global events at large has been weird, so yeah. Maybe its some kind of crazy voodoo afoot.

Well enough of that, what have you all been doing? Whats out and done?

Personally I've been playing NES lately, Deadly Towers(finally beat it), Zelda II, Bionic Commando, all the NES TMNT games and Dungeon Magic(currently been playing)

That and some SimCity 3000 to boycott the new one, and laugh out how lame it is vs even SC3000. I have 4, but SC3k has the whole year selection and tech advancement I always liked.

Also all of the ones I have, have subways!

Also, by observing SC3k, I realized the walking people and cars have a more advance AI when leaving and going to places then the new one. Now I'm tempted to play SC4 just to watch the traffic AI. ;)

This is a sad day for Maxis really, like when Game Maker became shit, now its over a $100 to buy? DRM too?

Its a good thing Will Wright got out of the game when he did, although I'm sure he's sad to see what has become of his brain child. It's like EA gave Maxis some smack in guise of candy, from inside their EA rape van. Just saying.


Charlie Carlo 11 years, 11 months ago

Hey we were just talking about you a week or so ago, and I didn't know who you were.

Welcome back, I'm newish here so you probably don't know me.

Those graphics are incredible. It's like walking through a retro game in first person.

I totally want to play this when it's finished. Is it the kind of thing where I'd have to have the base engine installed first?

JuurianChi 11 years, 11 months ago

urrently I'm just using free music I find on the webs, since I'm not selling the game, I'm being a bit more loose on what resources I use audio wise.

I can make some music for you. :D

Full rights, do as you please, I just want to retain ownership like Disasterpiece does.

Scott_AW 11 years, 11 months ago

@Charlie Carlo - Thanks, and no you won't need the base engine, I'll distribute the whole package when its done.

Right now it still depends on Duke3d's GRP file to run, until I finish and compile it into its own GRP file, then I can free distribute easily.

@JuurianChi -That'd be awesome, I can package a demo for you if you want to play through the levels and get a feel of atmosphere for the music. If you have duke3d lying around that would good.

JuurianChi 11 years, 11 months ago

Cool, cool, cool.

I have a copy somewhere.

I'll dig it out later.

Or I could see how much it is on GOG.

Charlie Carlo 11 years, 11 months ago

I can vouch for Juurian, he's timely AND good at capturing a mood.

He made the music for my latest game and I love it.

Scott_AW 11 years, 11 months ago

Sounds good, I think its like $4 on GOG, or you just need to see if you have duke3d.grp file laying around on your HD, thats the only file you need. Currently all zipped up, excluding that file, the zip is about 32mb.

Astryl 11 years, 11 months ago

It's that uncanny phenomenon that occurs any time we mention a member who hasn't logged in in a while; they inevitably return. :P

This must be one of the better looking Duke3D mods I've seen in a long time. Great work on it so far.