One O' Dem Dere Bloggy Dealies

Posted by Sheppard on Oct. 22, 2012, 1:03 p.m.

My activity on 64 Digits can be summed as follows-

Hi guys, my name's Sheppard!

(He was never seen again.)

Don't you love it when people do that at communities?

Anyway, I found myself entrapped in a dungeon of things-to-do-ness (spent a couple weeks as an archaeologist, went on a float trip with friends, got job, college started back up, quit job), or some other cliche thing people use to explain their dissapearance.

But anyway, in an attempt to finish a project I have invested way too much time into, I decided to do something drastic. I clicked on the unfinished game file, built it into an application without testing it and uploaded it to media fire, then I posted a blog about it. Yes, I'm an impulse uploader. I'm not quite sure what glitches and weird messups things will arise, but here is the file-

Please comment on what you think so far! And yes, the train is incomplete, and not very fun I realize. Anyway, here are the controls:


Space=Talk, Observe, Ok


Ctrl=Use tool equipped

By Pressing Space on the dock, you can hop in the boat and drive it around. Left and right arrows are to turn the boat, up arrow is to move, and the down arrow can make you stop or use reverse. (Yes, the boat has reverse; weird?)

The clock system for the game is controlled by your computer clock, so you might try playing it both at night and daytime. Most of the music is made by none other than 64digit's own JuurianChi. Here's a couple screens because I know nobody downloads stuff without screenies-


Sheppard 12 years, 4 months ago

Don't forget that you can use the boat by pressing space on the dock. Press space by the dock again to hop out.

Ferret 12 years, 4 months ago

Saw no one comment on this, it bummed me out.

Pretty good lookin game here, great amount of detail really pays off. Love the happy music. If I may make some suggestions though, any way you could speed up the dialogue would be a huge improvement, collision makes things shaky, and some things have huge collision boxes like those torches. Also some depth issues. Other than that though I think this can turn out really well.

ludamad 12 years, 4 months ago

Hey, you put effort into this and it shows. The collisions could be a lot smoother, it was offputting spasming whenever I walked into a wall. If you can I'd get rid of the menu options, the eg 'players' option just to me screams that its made with a prebuilt engine (which isn't a bad thing mind you, but it shouldn't shape your game). I like games like this, definitely needs more polishing in some basic respects. The art was of a respectable quality, not great, but nothing that'd detract from the game.

Sheppard 12 years, 4 months ago

Glad to hear you guys liked what I had done so far. Yeah, the collision could use some refining here and there, but I'm at the point where can't do too much modification to the actual players collision because I've already got so much setup. Yet, I can change the collisions for many of the objects still. As for the depth issues, well there is a 'layer object' inserted in the frames to sort that stuff out, yet I haven't tooken time to insert it in all of the frames yet XD My bad obviosly.

And well, ludamad, what do you mean by the 'players' option? Where it says 'Detective "+Your Name+"' or in the beginning perhaps? There weren't any prebuilt engines used in the game BTW. Sorry, but in this game the inventory is a necessity, but the menu for it can changed later on of course.

Also, did you guys try playing with your computer clock set to different times? If you close out the application, change the clock on your computer, reopen the application, stuff will be different. For example, the general store is closed at noon for lunch, after 8 PM the swamp monster will be out.