YoYoGames will SO ban me.

Posted by Shork on May 11, 2007, 1:48 a.m.

I just uploaded 5 of my crappiest games to YoYo Games. Even Quest for Vengeance, a game so bad I haven't even uploaded it here. None of my screenshot pictures qualified as JPG, PNG, or GIF, so I just grabbed random pictures from my computer and used those. Including one photo I took of the chemistry department's hallway using a terrible $10 digital camera from Dollar General. …I know, a ten dollar item from the dollar store… That camera is horrible. That picture is the clearest image it has ever made.

So if you feel like checking out my stuff on YoYoGames, check this:


Did you check it? Good.

Now download all my games on YoYo Games so I look better than I deserve to. And don't stop until I've got all my games in the top ten. DO IT!

Don't go thinking I'm supporting YoYo Games now, I don't. I just wanted to see how my crappiest crap compares to their mediocre crap.

Why do I think YoYo Games will ban me? Because I have completely random screenshots that have absolutly nothing to do with the game. My descriptions of the games are terrible, and Quest for Vengeance is extremely violent in an almost adorable Hippie-killing way.

I'd upload these games to 64 Digits, but then I'd completely ruin my reputation.

EDIT: As of may 12, Cannon Man is the 23rd most downloaded game on YoYo Games. Awesome. Thanks for downloading 401 times. No I feel like I have to actually finish it.


Cocopuffs 17 years, 8 months ago

For your top 3 points of disliking YoYo, those are very lame. You don't like the names, and it was out a week late. wow, those bastards, how dare they be late after their planned launch, lets also hate everyone else who was later than planned at one time, which is everyone.

Even if you don't like YoYo, that's no reason to try to sabotage them in any way. What do you hope to accomplish? Ruin them so no ones wants to use their site or Game Maker anymore? If you don't like the site, don't use it. Don't ruin it for those who do like it.

Rob 17 years, 8 months ago

Quote: Cocopuffs

If you don't like the site, don't use it. Don't ruin it for those who do like it.
Who likes their site!? =P

FredFredrickson 17 years, 8 months ago

Quote: MrPacman
The name itself is stupid… YoYo games? WTF? yeah, name it after a popular toy and suck the life out of the name
As if Game Maker is any better… or 64 Digits… or all the other idiotic site we all visit all day long.

Quote: MrPacman
2) The site opened about a week after its planned launch, and it was STILL buggy
How did you know when the site was going to launch? I was under the impression that they just kind of launched it out of the blue one day… and buggy? What do you expect from a beta site?

Shork 17 years, 8 months ago

Damn. I mention YoYo Games and everyone starts yelling at each other. I never meant to sabotage or destroy YoYo Games, my intention was to see how people would respond to games that would never be accepted here. I decided to goof around with it when I couldn't get any real screenshots to load. That's why I have a picture of a fat bearded man in a sailor moon costume on one of my games.

s 17 years, 8 months ago

Ha.That DLsystem fails…just like YoYo

And their rating is horrid also,it doesn't require a comment so everyone just downrates