
Posted by SixWinged on Dec. 8, 2008, 10:14 p.m.

Since all the cool kids are making their suggestions I guess I'll conform too.

While I'm not exactly one of the most active members here I still think I'd still like to give my 2 cents.

A Twitter like system for mini-blogs

A blog in itself is quite a formal thing, it has restrictions and certain expectations placed on it, yet if I have something small that's possibly important to say it often gets lost in the huge walls of text that make up the rest of the blog. Often many of the comments are in response to the final paragraph and line simply because users can't be bothered reading the entire blog. A mini-blog kinda thing would be perhaps a paragraph at the most, quite like a Facebook status message. It wouldn't require commenting or anything fancy as that would be done via simply posting your own mini-blog prefixing it with an @username.

A message center

I'm not sure how many people here frequent deviantART (I realize I seem to be stealing lots of ideas from other sites here) but I've grown quite fond of dA's message center. For those who don't know allow me to try and explain. When you enter the message center you are shown a number of things, I'll try and adapt them to fit 64Digits:

- Comments on your items, be that blogs, games, examples etc.

- Replies to your comments on other peoples blogs, games etc.

- Blogs, games etc. from people on your friends list

- News announcements

- PMs

The dA message center simplifies the whole process of keeping track of where you have posted, the other major feature that I find invaluable is the ability to respond to these comments and whatnot through the message center itself in a little popout box.

Threaded comments

Or more rather the ability to reply directly to a person, it's up to the coders how they would like the code this one. Several sites use a system where replies to comments are shown below the parent comment and are slightly indented. Others simply place @username in front of the comment with a link on the username leading to the original comment. While this may not seem like such a great idea considering we are already able to manually place an @username it does tie in with my messaging center idea as it would give the site a way to track who a comment was aimed at.

A new design

The 64Digits design, while I'm sure it was once quite fashionable, is simply looking old and outdated to me. I'm sure everyone would quite enjoy a new design to the site, you know what they say, a change is as good as a holiday.

OK, I've tried to keep all my ideas to more of a features related level, obviously we could benefit from things like more admins/mods and more advertisement but many people have already stated this. I figure what better way to attract new users than to introduce a whole range of new features and make 64Digits as easy to use and enjoy as possible. I'd like to hear your comments and criticism on my ideas, I realize that many of the will probably never happen as we just don't have enough coders with enough time to be bothered doing this.


SixWinged 16 years, 2 months ago

Also, does anyone know if there's an RSS feed for all blogs rather than a single user?

Cesar 16 years, 2 months ago

There should be, as belle used RSS to post recently made blogs on IRC, fronted or not

KaBob799 16 years, 2 months ago

I only saw 1 v3 pic but it looked pretty nice from what I remember (correct me if I'm wrong). Just an update to that layout would be cool.

flashback 16 years, 2 months ago

There's an all blogs feed, yes.

SixWinged 16 years, 2 months ago

@flashback - Do you happen to know the URL?

[deleted user] 16 years, 2 months ago

A site design that doesn't solely use tables would be nice.

PY 16 years, 2 months ago

A new design that can actually display right on widescreen / bigger than shit small monitors would be nice, too.

These are some nice ideas, sixie :)

Josea 16 years, 2 months ago

A new design that can actually display right on widescreen / bigger than shit small monitors would be nice, too.
A new design that can adapt to whatever resolution you throw at it would be nice. Lots of wasted space in a widescreen here.