sup guys?

Posted by SixWinged on Sept. 2, 2010, 3:49 a.m.

So it looks as if 64Digits has yet again escaped the clutches of death. Seems like a lot has changed around here and I gather it's all thanks to KaBob. So I guess all I can say is thanks. I never thought 64D would last this long… well I guess initially I assumed it would, but with each downtime it seemed less and less likely to bounce back up…. anyway how's everyone been?

I've had an amazing year, this is my last year of high school, and despite being full on it's been awesome. Highlights include getting so smashed that I woke up the next morning with an entire box of cornflakes emptied in my bed. Well maybe not so much highlights as… interesting-lights. It wasn't exactly fun at the time, but in retrospect it amuses me.

Various other things have happened that I can't think of off the top of my head/probably don't interest you much.

I've taken up running for some reason. We got a new dog about a year ago and I started taking him running, despite everyone calling me crazy I actually really enjoy it. I run about 15-20km three or four times a week, the best bit is I run with my iPod and listen to audiobooks, which sounds lame… but trust me, it's awesome :) especially when you're so bogged down with school work like I am now, it's nice to be able to get away.

Exams are fast approaching, which is both good and bad. Exams are inherently bad, but the good part is that school is almost over and summer is almost coming :D I basically plan to spend the summer working 3 days a week and partying down at my mates beach house the other 4.

Next year is still a bit questionable for me. I gather that the Australian system is a little different to the US one, but I basically have to decide what career I want to work towards before next year… and I have no fucking idea. I'm being pressured into engineering simply because I don't want to be a doctor or a lawyer and I have the grades for whatever I want. I started looking at a few robotics and mechatronics courses and they actually look awesome, but I have no idea what sort of job prospects are available. So what about you 64digiteers? What's your ideal (realistic) job?



Cesar 14 years, 1 month ago

I can't wait to be a scientist. Either researcher at CERN or just a professor at one of the universities in the US are my main goals. :)

Ferret 14 years, 1 month ago


Exams are coming up? Oh yeah that's right summer is coming up for you guys :P

Programming video games, duh :P

Leyenda 14 years, 1 month ago

Not sure what I'll do yet. I interviewed for the FBI crime lab, but then they found out Im not a citizen (here on visa). lol….

Acid 14 years, 1 month ago

Getting my MS in either Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering - and then subsequently getting a job as an engineer! :P

DesertFox 14 years, 1 month ago

SixWinged - loooooooong time no see.

*resets the bait on the old-member trap*

RC 14 years, 1 month ago

SixWinged. :O

Didn't fully read your blog (I might later though) but I'm commenting to say hi anyway. :D

MMOnologueguy 14 years, 1 month ago

Be a professional crastinator.

SixWinged 14 years, 1 month ago

Noticing a lot of old names I remember :) great to see you all again. Seems as if video game programming is the main passion here… which I guess is assumed since 64digits is largely a game making community.