IGTM Official Trailer

Posted by SleepinJohnnyFish on June 21, 2011, 11:45 a.m.

Hey guys. I'm sure a few of you have heard of this but just in case you haven't:

Indie Game: The Movie is in the final stages of production and they just released an official trailer. I'm one of the official backers of the movie and I just wanted to share it with you guys. It follows the creators of Braid, Fez, and Super Meat Boy throughout production and their psychological states during production as well as what independent gaming means to them and why they do what they do. It's really looking great so far and I think you all should check out the trailer on their site if you have some time today.

Official Site:


Trailer on Vimeo:



Praying Mantis 13 years, 8 months ago

I seem to have a love/hate relationship with Cactus. I like the concepts he has going, and every now and then the art styles are interesting as opposed to ugly, yet I hate him for his personality, development ethic, and such.

I may also be hating on him because he's 'popular', he's ok, yet praised as the Indie god. I don't want to buy into that. Trivial, but not how I judge him (the quality of his games determine that).

I'm seeing a trend in 'Indie', what's considered to be Indie and underground, isn't so at all. The word 'indie' seems to be a selling point, if a band is 'indie' they're non-conformists, they're odd and different, and if you listen to them then you'd be cool because then you're not listening to lady gaga, beiber, mars, etc. When in fact the actual quality of either product may not vary at all.

This is why I have such a hard time explaining my music and videogame tastes to people. If I tell someone I listen to 'indie' music, they think I'm into bands like Kings of Leon, Muse, Jack White, etc. No.

I think this is a phenomenon we can associate with these first forays into "games as art". It has its pros and cons. Along with the originality and the expression, we also get the narcissistic bullshit and the expression.
I hate that, what a medium killer, that is. I've noted that when artists use that discourse, it's just fluffing, making up for the lack of effort and technique put into a project. Blegh. (I'm talking about the "narcissistic bullshit" part, by the way).

Rez 13 years, 8 months ago

I wouldn't lose too much sleep over hipsters being hipsters if they're still making decent games. If a game maker wants to act like a movie star, I think that's actually pretty entertaining (and completely insulting to other game makers, but what can you do?). I'm not too concerned with what the rest of the gaming community. Yes, we should focus on establishing creditability and maintaining it but if it's so obvious certain people aren't going to help out with that then why even bother worrying about them in the first place? I see a lot of people on this site express some great ideas on as to how to forward our medium but rarely any of them take action. I think it's a little arrogant to say cactus is untalented for never finishing his projects when a lot of us do the same with significantly less ambiguous works. I wouldn't say cactus is the indie game god, because frankly saying someone is the god of indie games here is the same as saying "god of games." Indie is a very broad label for video games right now, and I'm fine with that, I'll just avoid certain words when I describe myself, that's all. Pretentiousness has engulfed a lot of our community but that's truly how most art forms are. I accept the fact that there won't be many recluse game makers dropping amazing works and quietly going away and that's why I'm fine with the guys in this documentary representing us. They seem human enough, making bad jokes and all that. They're serious about their craft and that's really all I ask. As much as I despise this hivemind of people saying GAMES IS ART and simultaneously making games with ambiguous titles, gameboy palettes, and depressing chiptunes, it's a necessary step for our medium. It's like our beatnik phase. I think a lot of 64D would be making the NEXT step if we just got off our asses. For now, we have this and I'm pretty content with that. I'm excited to see where homebrew games eventually go, but I refuse to get upset just because I don't see it moving fast enough.

RC 13 years, 8 months ago

Indie games suck.

Long live commercial games!

Though, some popular indie game developers have went "commercial".

Rez 13 years, 8 months ago


PY 13 years, 8 months ago

because indie and commercial are mutually exclusive