What are your favourite games and favourite consoles?
————————————————My favourite games are (roughly) : 1) Resident Evil 4 (Wii / GC)2) Sonic 3 and Knuckles (MD)3) Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)4) Sonic CD (MegaCD)5) Half Life 2 (PC)6) Kingdom Hearts (PS2)7) Metroid Fusion (GBA)8) Silent Hill 2 (PS2/XBOX)9) Resident Evil Remake (GC)10) Sonic Unleashed (360)Honorable mentions :Sonic the Hedgehog (MD)Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (MD)Resident Evil (PS/SAT)Super Metroid (SNES)Half Life (PC)Dynamite Headdy (MD)Metal Gear Solid (PS)Metal Gear Solid 3 (PS2)Kingdom Hearts 2 (PS2)Devil May Cry 3 (PS2)Zone of the Enders 2 (PS2)Duke Nukem 3D (PC/SAT)Clockwork Knight (SAT)Clockwork Knight 2 (SAT)My favourite consoles are (again, roughly) :1) MegaDrive 2) Gamecube3) Saturn4) PS35) DreamcastHonorable mentions :PS2Master System DS GBA————————————————No idea why I decided to make this. Just thought I would for some reason. In other news, Red Dwarf : Back to Earth was pretty good, apart from Part 1, which was shit. Overall though I'm glad the series has came back, because it owns. Don't know what Red Dwarf is?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_DwarfI love the show. My favourite TV series ever. You probably don't know it too well if your not British. Or maybe you do? I have no idea. I shall leave you with this… Why? Because it's awesome! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOvglodUIcA&feature=channel_pageGoodbye peoples!
It was just a 3-part special, wasn't it?
Good 3-part special, though. Love the show :DThe more I play, the more I realize that I could never single out one game as my favorite. Yes, I am dodging the question.
wooh! metroid fusion ftw!
LoZ: Wind Waker
Pikmin 2Halo: Custom EditionCommand and ConquerAge of EmpiresHalf Life 2RuneScapeWe Love KatamariBanjo TooieLet's see:
LOZ: Majora's MaskThe World Ends With YouOkamiBanjo Kazooieand that's it.PY, I detect sarcasm… And when I do I usually destroy the person who is nearest to the place where you are. So you. Har.
Legend of Zelda (the whole series, but my favorites are OOT and MM)
OkamiStar Wars: Knights of the Old RepublicPrince of Persia: The Sands of TimeThe odd thing is that I can't seem to think of any other game that I like. I just woke up. I think I like Metroid and Mass Effect and Fallout 3 and other stuff like that though.The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
The Legend of Zelda: Window WankerThe Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of TimeThe Legend of Zelda: Majora's MaskThe Legend of Zelda: A Link To The PastThe Legend of Zelda: Phantom HourglassThe Legend of ZeldaZelda II The Adventure of LinkHaloThe Elder Scrolls IV: OblivionSuper Mario GalaxySuper Mario SunshineSuper Mario 64Super Mario Bros.Super Smash Bros. BrawlSuper Mario KartMario Kart 64Mario Kart Double Dash!!Mario Kart DSMario Kart WiiResident EvilResident Evil 2Metal Gear SolidMetal Gear Solid 2Metal Gear Solid 3Rad RacerRad Racer 2R.C. Pro AMPunch Out!!Consoles:WiiGameCubePlayStation 2PlayStationNintendo 64Super Nintendo Entertainment SystemNintendo DSNintendo Entertainment SystemThese aren't in any specific order nor is it the complete list.Window Wanker. REAAALLLYYYYYYY?
GTA:Vice City
LoZ: Wind WakerLoZ: Ocarina of TimePokemon GoldBomberman '93Mario Kart DSHalf Life 2Mirror's EdgePortalOff the top of my head.