Sup everyone. My friend Gunzet, otherwise known as Eva on here (he says) pointed me to this site to meet some bronies and talk about little girl shows. I'm into RPGs and crap like that. My friend and I (not Eva) are working on a pixelated RPG in RPG Maker VX Ace featuring users of the forum I met Eva on. I figured I'd make my way into the community so's that if's he ever needs any help or assistance in coding for the game, it'd be an easy transition for him with me as his bff totes for-evar. Oh yeah here are some sprites for out game. So far we only have character sprites.
(If this doesn't work then fuck it all.)

Even without the nipples, Ferret is loveable, and I wish I could be more like him.
Welcome to 64Digits!
Watch out for the bronies *wink*EDIT: CURSE YOU CYRUS YOU STOLE MY WELCOMING PHRASEffs
Great. Here we go again.
*Puts Dash-face on*Deal with it.Also, welcome to 64Digits + What Cyrus Said.Nice characters, etc, etc.Ferret, Rainbow Dash with glasses does not make sense. >;3Make it stoop D:
And ohai, welcome to 64d.Oh lordy.
@Dagger: Naw, I like the main six. I'm pretty… Manestream YEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHSeriously, ….
start a BRONIE atodev or something. make that site useful!