Happy 20th PixelGrid! Cookies and cake for everyone! That means I have posted over 200 beautiful pixels! *sniff* They grow up so fast… Anyway, yesterday I downloaded Anim8tor just to see if I could make a model, and I did, but I am having trouble exporting an .obj. I am using the .obj script, and I followed all the directions correctly but when I try to save the model .obj is not in the list. If anyone has had trouble with this I would love to know what to do. I also finished my first week of school, and I am tired of school already. I also run Cross Country, and I walk my dog for an hour almost every day, and I am getting burnt out. Cross Country makes me tired all the time, and it just started. Enjoy.PixelGrid 201. genetic octopus by phob 2. Death - slopjob version by Emanu3. Mini iso scene by cocefi4. Mockup by Mt®5. JantexHead by Qunit6. Nagol The Destroyer by ThereIsNoCure7. Mockup for DD pixel challenge by Helm8. 16x16 robots by FrostPumpkin9. VTLM38 by magic1111
I run cross country, too.
From now on I will bother you until I'm on one of these.bother
I was not kidding about making a website with one big PixelGrid…
Oh, and you only posted 180 beautiful pixels.EDIT: http://pixelgrid.freehostia.com<3 pixelgrid.
I counted 254 non-Stained Glass, total pixels (including non-PixelGrids).
Siert: :0Oh, I was just counting PixelGrids.