[SG] PixelGrid 28

Posted by Stained Glass on Nov. 16, 2008, 7:49 p.m.

No progress for any games this week. I might work on one next week, but nothing is certain. One major highlight was I told a kid a my school about game maker. One day is Engineering class he was programming a simple website (<10 lines) and was saying how fun it was. So I asked him, if he wanted to make video games and he said he wanted to make video games as a career, so I told him. Does anyone else every feel like Game Maker is a some sort of secret that no one is supposed to find out about? I can remeber I had a friend who told someone else about Game Maker, and I was angry for some reason, like only certain people are supposed to know about it. But in this case, I could see he had that feeling I get when I program something and it works flawlessly when he was making that website.

I also had never thought as doing game making as a career. Mostly because game making isn't really a reliable cash flow career. It is like being a freelance artist, and unless you can get a job at a large pre-established game making company, you will be lucky to make much money at all. That is why I have always thought of game making as more of a hobby, even though it is the thing I enjoy most. I would like to hear what other people think about this, do you plan to be a game maker when you grow up, or is it just a hobby?

PixelGrid 28

1. fruits in the dark by vierbit

2. ww2 tactics - revamped by schrumpfkopf

3. Blood cap by sharprm

4. Site header by Fool

5. Odeka: Outdoor Ruins by mozzy

6. Orc by Ptoing

7. Full Moon by Opacus

8. Shiny Robot by Tauto

9. Still Just Fruit by Blackbeltdude


TDOT 16 years, 3 months ago

I would love to pursue my game making as a career. I do think ,however, it would be extremely difficult, and maybe not the best idea for a full time job unless you could grab one of those jobs in the big companies.

SixWinged 16 years, 3 months ago

I've always said that I will pursue game making simply as a hobby, I see too many people that resent their jobs and I would hate for game making to become a forced chore and lose the enjoyment I get from it right now.

OBELISK 16 years, 3 months ago

I want to get some kind of artistic career. I'm not really sure how much money you can make doing graphic design. If anyone can help me out and point me in the right direction, I'd be very grateful.

flashback 16 years, 3 months ago

Last I heard, if you get good enough contracts you can get 200k a year or so.

eagly 16 years, 3 months ago

I want to go into game making, yes, but I'm under no illusions that it will be an easy ride. I'm ready to stick it out through some tough times until I am able to get a secure job. Which is why I'm going for a sandwich course at uni; 3rd year spent in industry.

We'll see how it goes.

[deleted user] 16 years, 3 months ago

Word is that working for the man in big game design companies is stressful, soul-crushing and doesn't pay well at all. Everything I've heard from indie devs that used to work for big companies makes it sound horrible.

In my eyes I think I'd like to keep game programming as a hobby, unless I can find out more about the process, etc. An artistic career would be fun, but in the end I feel I'd be restricted in what I do (which is going to be the case regardless I guess, because it is a job).

uglyman 16 years, 3 months ago

:/ Yea, Game Creation and Design is definately the field I want to go into, but breaking into it is gonna be difficult. But, I'm gonna stick with it. If you love it, then do it I say. :D