Well, here is page 5…
If you're just starting out here is the link to the first comic page:http://64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=Swifty&cmd=comments&id=265906Comic, Page05!
Posted by Swifty on Feb. 25, 2010, 8:42 a.m.
Well, here is page 5…
If you're just starting out here is the link to the first comic page:http://64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=Swifty&cmd=comments&id=265906
again with the copyright of 2009 >_>
Shouldn't the character WALK into a traphole? Somebody didn't do their job making walking sprites ;)
lol, these pages were made in '09 >_< and like another 3 to come. @Cesque - yeah, I guess I coulda made appear like they were actualy walking, I do have walking positions for them I guess I just didn't think to use them, doh!
How does one pronounce "!"?
I'm pretty sure punctuation marks are never pronounced in english…
Maybe they pronounced the alevolar click?
Okay, that will be my last obscure linguistics joke, I promise.