GMBED 2.0 beta test

Posted by T G M G on July 16, 2008, 11:24 p.m.

Me and Rusky have been working on GMBED 2.0 and it is time for beta testing.

The main improvement in gmbed 2.0 is that the exe no longer needs to be changed, but it needs to be a GM exe! Also the screen is automatically scaled to fit the page. the loading screen is also embedded better than it was.

This doesn't work well for exe's created specifically for gmbed 1.0, i.e ones modified by the gmk!!!!

First test that it works for your computer:

Try as many browsers as you can. It should be green and display a message!

Also here is another test by clemens:

Results can be seen here (under GAME PREVIEW):

next if you want to embed your own game just replace link and exe with the link to zip (HAS to be zip!) and the name of the exe to run from that zip.

The link has to be a direct link, so not linking to download pages otherwise it will download the download page.

Also you can embed this in your own website using an iframe, you can also change size using width and height variables to getgame.php file.




SquareWheel 16 years, 7 months ago

Was this test anything more than a black screen, by chance? If so, it didn't work for me on Firefox, as for IE….


Okay, switching to IE Tab while this black box is going seems to be a bad idea.

edit: This crash is reoccurring for me, although a green screen loaded after another Firefox restart.

Bryan 16 years, 7 months ago

Well it shows up. It downloads, it says time taken. But nothing seems to happen then.

That is, in Opera.

Kenon 16 years, 7 months ago

It doesn't work for me at all with my games, as well as the example.

Don't know why.

Firefox 3.

T G M G 16 years, 7 months ago

It is supposed to be a green screen, this system works for any exe, so if you want me to showcase yours contact me.

Another test is here: (under game preview)

s 16 years, 7 months ago

You can't make it implicitly choose an EXE if there is only one EXE or set the EXE's name to the name of the zip?

As for the example, it is working fine if the game was a black screen

T G M G 16 years, 7 months ago

@serprex - yeah i will be added code to search for exe in the zip and if their is only 1 run it, but multiple exes will require the exe parameter.

It should be a green background, do you have another bowser to test?

BigB0ss 16 years, 7 months ago

Windows Vista Ultimate x86

Firefox 3.0.1

Ask for permission -> download -> Error: file not found: gmembed.dll

T G M G 16 years, 7 months ago

@BigB0ss - Thats very strange that it didn't download the dll for you. I will try and find out whats wrong.

Chaz 16 years, 7 months ago

What does this DO exactly?

T G M G 16 years, 7 months ago

@Chaz - It embeds your game exe into a website, like flash games. Think of it like instant play but actually puts the game in the website like runescape or flash games.