GMBED 2.0 beta test

Posted by T G M G on July 16, 2008, 11:24 p.m.

Me and Rusky have been working on GMBED 2.0 and it is time for beta testing.

The main improvement in gmbed 2.0 is that the exe no longer needs to be changed, but it needs to be a GM exe! Also the screen is automatically scaled to fit the page. the loading screen is also embedded better than it was.

This doesn't work well for exe's created specifically for gmbed 1.0, i.e ones modified by the gmk!!!!

First test that it works for your computer:

Try as many browsers as you can. It should be green and display a message!

Also here is another test by clemens:

Results can be seen here (under GAME PREVIEW):

next if you want to embed your own game just replace link and exe with the link to zip (HAS to be zip!) and the name of the exe to run from that zip.

The link has to be a direct link, so not linking to download pages otherwise it will download the download page.

Also you can embed this in your own website using an iframe, you can also change size using width and height variables to getgame.php file.




PY 16 years, 7 months ago

@Chaz, like instant play but not shit.

Siert 16 years, 7 months ago

Firefox 3.0 - green =)

although I tried it like four times before and it just said "time taken: blah blah". I just tried it now and it works.

Internet Explorer 7.0.6000.16681 - green =)

"Failed to initialize Direct Music Audio" popup, then it turned green

Again it didn't work before but now it does.

Siert 16 years, 7 months ago

I just tried the mule game in each browser and it worked.

And again, it didn't work the first time I tried.

I also tried the green test a couple more times and in Firefox a couple of times the loading bar showed up:

And one time in Internet Explorer the screen showed up in the middle, I was scrolling (bored) while it was loading, but I couldn't make it happen again:

The rest of the tests were fine, no more "Failed to initialize Direct Music Audio" popups in IE either.

Siert 16 years, 7 months ago

I tried my own game, Coloraze: Spectrum v0.85.exe

That's right, right?

This is what happens:

Error: File not found: file:C:\Users\Colin\AppData\Local\Temp\GMBED/



Error unziping, are you sure it was a valid zip file? The link has to be directly to a zip not to a php page!

Then it just stays at "Please wait, game is about to start…"


I changed the exe name and the zip name to get rid of spaces and .s so the URL was

This time it worked!

I knew GMBED was far from stable, but it was able to create a custom map and save it, load it, delete it, play it, upload it and download it. It also saved the users screen name.

However these are some bugs that happened during my testing:

-One time the main menu appeared not scaled to fit the screen (so it was normal size), and in the upper left corner of the GMBED window.

-If the game tries to load a nopreview.bmp from the zip, I get a GameMaker error from an non existent sprite.

-If I choose Download Level from the menu, the game hangs. This involves downloading a text file with a dll.

Actually, I just tried to download again and it worked fine, I even downloaded a level.

-If I try to upload the level, I get a GameMaker error that says error writing file. The file is a .inf file. If you press ignore about four times the level uploads successfully.

-Most of the time the level editor shows up like the green screen from IE that I posted. When it shows up it works fine.

I just tried this on IE and it froze IE when I clicked download. So I didn't try anything in IE, except that it starts.

Before you fix those bugs, make sure people can try this out.

Otherwise, congratulations. The people who can't try this are missing out.

(Hope my posts help!)

*goes and tries out other games*

T G M G 16 years, 7 months ago

Thanks for your posts Siert they are very helpful for debugging. Most of the errors in the first 2 posts were as far as I know fixed. The time when the window appeared in a strange place is still being looked into, I can't seem to replicate the same effect.

it looks like their is an error either with the spaces or .'s in the link I will investigate.

I will also try and find out why it sometimes does not scale correctly.

Their shouldn't be anything wrong with using a dll like that so i don't think that was a gmbed error and should download fine.

I have managed to get it to work in ie,safari,opera and firefox so i am not sure why it doesn't work in a certain browser for you.

Siert 16 years, 7 months ago

Firefox - works

SquareWheel 16 years, 7 months ago

Just out of curiosity, if you used a browser dll with GM and used GMBed, would it still work correctly?

Siert 16 years, 7 months ago

I assume you are testing something, but now it doesn't work and has text below the app saying:

"<applet code='gmembed.Main.class' archive='' width=997 height=700 link='' exe='Coloraze.exe' params='' background='000000' bimage='' gm7plugin=true>You need to accept the java plugin to run this game! For more information, please visit</applet>"