[TDOT] Insanity is bliss

Posted by TDOT on Nov. 24, 2007, 8:07 p.m.

:Crap about life:

Hmm, not much to report. Had no school for the past 5 days or so, so that's freakin' awesome! Been putting some of my time into learning C++ (taking a quiz right now :D). Thanksgiving was great. I think I ate at least 10 lbs of food.

if (turkey+pumpkin_pie=2 && TDOT_stomach=="empty")





Yeah, C++ has been going pretty good. I'm only on Day 5 of my book though :D . I'm a slacker :P . Anyway, haven't hit anything tremendously hard. I understand most of it, and the things I don't understand I can learn about over at gamedev.net. Very helpful people over there. Taking a quiz right now for Day 4 which was just about statements and expressions. It also talked a little about truth and falsehood, operators, and the if/else comparison. Still in the major basics.


Well, I scrapped my Winter Comp entry. Got bored with the game as a whole, and I figured the game would end up bad if I wasn't having any fun making it. I have a new idea to start now. I'm leaning toward a downhill racing game. Hoping to have the option to race on snowboard, skis, and snowmobiles. Oh yeah, is there a ternary operator in GM?


Haven't talked to Inf1u3nza much about Helix, but it looks like I was gonna pretty much leave it alone until after the winter comp. Looking forward to beginning work on our game whenever we really get down to it. Sounds like F1u has already done a fair amount of work on the game, so I may only need to do certain tasks (dunno yet what those will be, but whatever I'm needed for :D )


This is the end, why are you still reading? You were supposed to stop and comment now.

Fine, just keep reading, I don't care. Waste away reading this nothingness.

Ok, this is getting ridiculous. Do you not have anything better to do? Like comment? Or even read another blog?

Wow, you're addicted aren't you? Maybe I should get you into rehab so you can deal with your horrible addiction.

This is REALLY getting sad. I could just keep you here all day couldn't I? Well, I'm not that mean a person so if you want, you can continue and stare at nothing, but I'm not gonna keep you here (don't wanna be blamed for the coming suicide).

~TDOT> out


V 17 years, 3 months ago

Lol, I'm a blog reading addict, and hardcore at that then. XD

TDOT 17 years, 3 months ago

lol, just cause I'm not (too) insane, doesn't mean it isn't true ;P .

Tsk tsk, you really should get yourself straightened out. I mean, look at all the precious time you spend reading when you could be playing a game. Like Halo 3, or Guitar Hero.


Nathan 17 years, 3 months ago

Crack is like 64digits to me.

TDOT 17 years, 3 months ago

Crack is like 64digits to me
And it looks like you've been hitting it pretty hard ;).


Cesar 17 years, 3 months ago

64digits != sanity

sanity != insanity

64digits = insanity

insanity = bliss

64digits = bliss

don't insult 64digits >_>

TDOT 17 years, 3 months ago

Who's insulting? 64digits=insanity && insanity=bliss . Yeah, you got it right on.


FireflyX 17 years, 3 months ago

Nobody has ever been known to come on 64digits and keep their sanity :p

V 17 years, 3 months ago

Don't have halo 3, and I'm not too addicted to guitar hero. ._.

PY 17 years, 2 months ago


Uh huh, you heard me.

Josea 17 years, 2 months ago

Nobody has ever been known to come on 64digits and keep their sanity :p