Rocking the weekend

Posted by TDOT on April 18, 2009, 8:59 p.m.

Ha, fooled you. Nope, I've not been rocking the weekend. In fact most of today was me doing next to nothing (at least physically) until a cookout we had at my grandparents'. Once there, I proceeded to wear my already worn out legs even more :D

Yesterday was pretty awesome. Had a few of my buddies come up and we played video games and basically did stupid stuff all day. Good times.

You seen Luda's last blog? No? Well it was about programming languages. It was there that I found out about a language called Brainfuck. Yes, Brainfuck. For a quick summary, Brainfuck is a minimalistic language consisting of 8 commands, each only one character, and nothing else. Any other character is ignored by the compiler (or interpreter). The function of the commands is to manipulate bytes in an array. Simple enough. Anyway, this lead me to the category of esoteric languages. I was actually shocked by the number of these in existence. In reality, though usable, esoteric languages aren't the most efficient languages to use. Brainfuck, for example, is VERY un-user-friendly, having a syntax very difficult to read, or understand. I also stumbled across a language called LOLCODE. The language is inspired by the "txt-lang" style of the LOLcats series. A sample of the code would be…





Translated into C++ it's something like this.

#include <iostream>

int main()


std::cout<<"HAI WORLD!";

return 0;


Rough translation, but you get the point. Even though these languages are ridiculous and in most cases pretty useless, I think they're interesting and a decent way to blow my time :p

Anyway, as for REAL stuff, I haven't done much. My C++ is grinding to a halt for the time being. Why? Well, my last blog was about putting Ubuntu on my old desktop. Everything ran smoothly, and I also reformatted the HDD. Only problem is, any port of Linux is a bitch when it comes to getting stuff ON it. I don't have it connected to the internet, so there's not really anyway for me to get a compiler on it at the moment (at least too my knowledge. Any of you Linux users out there that has a suggestion, I'm all ears….er…eyes). I'm planning on buying a cheap usb antenna for it so that I can at least get some essentials on it.

GM-related stuff is also very little, but I did have a breakthrough which made me happy. Was working on a segment-based worm engine. Had everything down except for separating the segments by a defined amount. Today, I conquered it. The engine is run by two scripts, an initialization script and the actual wormgine script, and it is easily controlled by the use of two variables in the initialization. So yeah, small victory, but victory nonetheless. Dang…I really hadn't expected that blog to be so long. Well, here's the tl;dr version..


1. I'm a lazy bum.

2. Esoteric languages are awesome.

3. Linux is a pain when you're very Windows oriented.


Shot down 6853 n00bs at time of blog.


RC 15 years, 7 months ago

It's always easier to use "using namespace std;" in case you forget std::, which I used to, it seems.

TDOT 15 years, 7 months ago

Easier, but not as safe. It's supposedly good programming practice to just use the std:: instead of calling the whole namespace.

OBELISK 15 years, 7 months ago

I still can't thank you enough for the wormgine. You are a gentleman and a scholar.

TDOT 15 years, 7 months ago

My pleasure Obel :D

It was pretty fun to make.

ludamad 15 years, 7 months ago

Esoterics are awesome and all but they are only really a handful that are worth giggling over. I looked them all up in one night basically.

ludamad 15 years, 7 months ago

I always use using namespace std, but the hassle comes in when you want to use the same names as those defined in the standard libs. However it usually isn't a problem.

Juju 15 years, 7 months ago


PY 15 years, 7 months ago

For 1 line programs like that, std:: is easier to write.