Lunacy Star Stage 6

Posted by Taizen Chisou on Oct. 28, 2011, 11:01 a.m.

Oh, my, is it time already for Stage 6?



best stage 6 midboss or what

ok no more stage 6 screenshots it's supposed to be "secret"

short blog is short and I am sorry

in unrelated news, kilin, I don't think you ever got stage 5 right

i'll send it next week


Taizen Chisou 13 years, 3 months ago

Oh, and, quick question.

Is converting the music to increase the quality and add consistency worth the ~40 MB size hike? (At least I'm not ZUN and using WAVs D: 300MB?)

Lunacy Star, as it stands, is about 5.3 MB. I've yet to add some backgrounds and entire stages.

Basically, would you sit through a 700% download time for marginally less horrible renditions of my music?

Didn't think so :D


Final boss attacks are COMPLETELY UNPLANNED.

There are 12 of them. If anyone can come up with one or two that would be GREAT.

umbra 13 years, 3 months ago

i am always here

i will give you some blue prints for attacks

Taizen Chisou 13 years, 3 months ago

What, Judgement Guillotine, and something else, then?

You'll have to remind me how they worked.

Also, don't recommend tangent-based bullets to me again >:V

death 13 years, 3 months ago

what… the… what am i looking at?

Kunedon 13 years, 3 months ago

what… the… what am i looking at?

Bullets everywhere.

Taizen Chisou 13 years, 3 months ago


Oh… are you not familiar with the Bullet Hell genre?

Well, um, it goes like this.

You are some entity with a hitbox infinitely smaller than yourself, shooting a quantity of bullets vastly swamped by the bullets shot by your enemies- bullets, that, will under most circumstances, kill you in one hit, and the Poor Unlucky Sap of the Day that wandered into your line of fire in roughly three hundred hits. The Poor Unlucky Sap in question may or not be a "boss," which gets special attacks with varying complexity about them- used such to trick the player to collide with a bullet. If you load the Sap with enough bullets, they explode and you are allowed to advance the game :D

I'm sorry if that concise rundown felt condescending :V

I've always wanted to explain something that way.

Castypher 13 years, 3 months ago

Bullet hell is simply a mind game, a test of mental strength, if you will.

- The amount of bullets is meant to make you uneasy, so your reflexes take a hit

- Colors, flashes, and patterns are distracting, so you move your eyes away from your hitbox

- You have to filter out sound cues since you can't see half of what's going on

- Complex patterns force you to memorize in order to proceed

And lots of other shit I forgot. But a lot of people think bullet hell is a hardcore genre. It's really just a test of your ability to stay calm, memorize, and remain focused. It may seem daunting, but give it a go one day. We have a few people on the site who make the games, so it'd be support for them.

Taizen Chisou 13 years, 3 months ago

I don't quite see bullet hell as a mind game >:V

The only such pattern in Lunacy Star is the Large Purple Head's Brilliant Spin Cycle, which coerces the player into forgetting that yes, there is a wall of static bullets right there and I am about to run directly into it.

However, I find that it is among the most fun patterns, along with a majority of the Ancient Guardian battle, most of whom's attacks charge you with moving all over the screen.

Actually, one attack forces you to circle the screen to avoid Advancing Walls of Doom whilst dodging little bullet bits thrown about.

You know how most Touhou stage 5 bosses have little gimmicks about them, even more so than stage 4 bosses?

My stage 4 is Quintuple Boss and my stage 5 is "All Over The Screen."

Oh, well! You will find out soon enough :/

As for the rest of stage six, expect many "death fairy" type enemies. The ones with loads of HP getting special patterns to themselves.

In return, they have a base points of 40,000. I am completely expecting scorerunners to overdrive here, so I don't know to make them easy or difficult. (considering overdrive can disable bombs for 20 seconds or more)

Alert Games 13 years, 3 months ago

@kilin, thus frustrating because it takes you that much concentration to do something simple. lets say… moving the character :o I know people can enjoy it, but frustrating to me

Taizen Chisou 13 years, 3 months ago

That is what the Zero Stage is for.

Predictable and easy patterns for those untuned to the genre.

It even comes with a brief run-down on the mechanics of the game.

It comes as an easier counterpart to the unlockable Extra Stage, which is meant to be quite difficult.

I, however, am having a difficult time figuring out how to make such easiness fun :<