Lunacy Star Stage 6

Posted by Taizen Chisou on Oct. 28, 2011, 11:01 a.m.

Oh, my, is it time already for Stage 6?



best stage 6 midboss or what

ok no more stage 6 screenshots it's supposed to be "secret"

short blog is short and I am sorry

in unrelated news, kilin, I don't think you ever got stage 5 right

i'll send it next week


Amarin 13 years ago

Hello fellow bullet hell fanatic. Kilin has led me to believe that we'll be getting along really well.

Taizen Chisou 13 years ago

That would depend on your answer to whether Cave or Touhou is better

okay so I like them both sue me

I do have to question when this happened :3

I find myself a bullet hell fanatic only such that I know practically everything there is to know about Touhou and play a lot of STGs all the time :V

Which is sort of why Lunacy Star exists.

What makes you a bullet hell fanatic, hmm~?

Look out for the release of the 0.6 demo! It'll be out eventually!

(let me put together an actual main menu and the stage 3 background)

Never mind me asking you what made you a bullet hell fanatic - I just checked out your page.

You made Elemaiden.

Lol, I remember finding it on YouTube and liking it. I'm also jealous for the 3D backgrounds and things. I didn't have the insight to add support for it.

Not that it would matter. I can't 3D :(