C++ or C#?

Posted by Taizen Chisou on Jan. 13, 2012, 7:14 p.m.

Me and my dad are undertaking some new language to learn for whatever reason.

He wants to learn it to learn it, and I want to learn it to make games.

(But of course.)

We've done a little bit of digging and found a bunch of ups and downs pertaining to both languages and I'd like to ask out of all of you, who program in either (all three of you :D ),

Which is the better language overall?

I hear some things like C# is missing compatibilities, C++ is more complicated, C++ is more widely used, C# is easier, all that drivel.

We all know that the main reason one really uses Game Maker is because it's the fastest way to put something together almost wholly.

(That's why I use it anyway)

So if C# is easier to get a handle of, then why not use that, right?

But C++ is probably going to be easier to land jobs with.

~What a bunch of craaap~

(And for whatever reason, the option that I can learn one, and then the other later, is out of the question. I guess the real question is "which one should we tackle first?")


JuurianChi 13 years ago


You can wrap your head around C# after you gaze upon the face of this beast.

Also, you'll find that documentation for C++ is more widely available.

And, yes.

You will get a job with C++ sooner than with C#.



Amarin 13 years ago

Me and my dad

Tell him to get you a computer for this stuff! Your potential is being choked.

Start with C++, then C# will be a breeze. You can get a job coding C++, then you can remake Lunacy Star in C# with ease.

Taizen Chisou 13 years ago

I thought so…

C++ starts really slowly though, lol

I have, however, managed to make my Very Own Noobish Text RPG in it.

The game would create a character you would name. Stat distribution would typically screw you over- because enemies' strengths were based on your average stats and god forbid you generate 12 STR, AGI, and MAG, but 7 DEF.

You would tell the game you wanted to "Fight," "Item," or "Exit,"

if you chose "Item," you healed yourself gratis,

"Exit" closed the program,

but "Fight" began a fixed loop mode where you encountered some slime/snake/bat/dragon/knight whatever, all with different stat setups based on their level, their level being based on yours randomized plus or minus two.

Whatever you encountered would attack every turn, and you would attack two out of every three turns and on the third turn try to use "Magic" to heal yourself back to full health.

If you killed it, you would get it's experience points and hopefully level up and trigger that Ha Ha Higher Than Max HP glitch that wouldn't go away, so the next thing doesn't murder you quite as quickly.

It was actually rather fun.

Josea 13 years ago

C# if you are not very experienced in programming, C++ if you are.

sirxemic 13 years ago

C# is easier to land jobs with in general, actually.

The quality of that job, however…

So yeah, C++ if you want to be more techy, C# if you want to be more "I wanna make an application".

Rob 13 years ago


learning a programming language

I'd be lucky if mine could do basic HTML

Taizen Chisou 13 years ago

C# if you are not very experienced in programming, C++ if you are.


Well, um, Game Maker *cough


Like I said, I was willing to learn both. I want to make video games >:V

Josea 13 years ago

Also, if you are coming from Game Maker and want to make games, C# + XNA would be a wonderful choice.

colseed 13 years ago


I guess the real question is "which one should we tackle first?"


I vote C++ then

Alert Games 13 years ago

I wanna learn C# at some point :( I only have basic C++ knowledge, and an abundance of GML knowledge that is next to useless in the professional world :F