Why My Parents Would Be Proud

Posted by Taizen Chisou on April 21, 2012, 4:08 p.m.

Happy 4/21, everyone!

How'd y'all spend your yesterdays?

I'm eagerly awaiting all of the people at school who'll ask me how 420 was from my end.

Didja get fucked up OR WHAT, they'll say

How many drugs did you doooo?

Well, they're probably only asking me, because, well, at school, I'm the quiet, reserved, polite, never foul-mouthed person who looks down on people who drink alcohol and smoke drugs.

How great of a guy am I? :V

Well, the answers to the above would probably be: fucking yes, and a shitload.

And that was my first time dabbling in it, really?

I'm such a terrible person.

I out-did several of the college kids who live for this shit. That's kinda sad.

If anything else, I can probably add "sprite with grape rum" and "ice cream with vodka" to the list of alcohols that I've actually enjoyed.

Which probably contains three items.

I almost can't describe how the feeling was like, either.

Kinda scary, in retrospect.

One reason why, because I was getting less and less aware of the world. Everything slowed down… I think…

I started to float and the air felt kinda… solid? The air felt thick.

The floatiness was kind of annoying, because my descent onto the couch was really, really brief and hurt a little. Actually, it didn't hurt very much at all.

But whenever my friends there looked at me, they could tell that I was pretty badly fucked up at that point. But they still applauded the idea that this guy who's normally quiet and keeps to himself and studies and shit could still… "chill," as they'd say.

I spent the entire night wondering why all the lights were so bright (I watched them get brighter, and brighter…) and laughing because everything was just so numb.

Lying down on that couch, I could feel my heartbeat, like, a lot.

I think I was topping 180 BPM and the feeling of it beating made my arms and legs fall asleep.

So when I get back to school, I'll go and tell those buttfaces on the bus and in my classes that I can be a deadbeat fuckin' degenerate like they are. But of course I'm going to say it quietly, and phrased differently.


JuurianChi 12 years, 9 months ago

How exiting.

I spent "Friday" working on a game, until Gamemaker started returning errors.

Zhiko 12 years, 9 months ago

I spent Friday in a kitchen. At a church. Making salad with a bunch of little old ladies. I'm that fucking cool.

firestormx 12 years, 9 months ago

The floatiness was kind of annoying, because my descent onto the couch was really, really brief and hurt a little. Actually, it didn't hurt very much at all.
Nooo, don't start talking like that. Fucking weed! >_<

Congrats on having a good time though. I shouldn't congratulate you, but you sound like me, so good on ya.

Also, happy 4/21: national surprise drug test day!

MMOnologueguy 12 years, 9 months ago



I spent 4/20 the same way I do any day off school: trying to tolerate being around my family.

JuurianChi 12 years, 9 months ago

So when I get back to school, I'll go and tell those buttfaces on the bus and in my classes that I can be a deadbeat fuckin' degenerate like they are. But of course I'm going to say it quietly, and phrased differently.

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 9 months ago

Juurian's comment makes no sense but it's still got upvotes

someone explain it plz

firestormx 12 years, 9 months ago

I don't understand. But I got 5, and I don't understand either.

colseed 12 years, 9 months ago


Rob 12 years, 9 months ago

ice cream with vodka

That sounds fucking disgusting…

And I don't know about in America, but in Canada you get high, not drunk, at 4:20 / 20/4

Font 12 years, 9 months ago

Spied someone using a marajuana canadian flag as a cape while I sat eating hotdogs in the alberta legislature… So that skunk smell is the smell of weed, huh? Tells you how much I know.