Taizen Chisou vs. Scary 4 Digits

Posted by Taizen Chisou on Oct. 31, 2012, 3:19 p.m.

Taizen Chisou's S4D '12 Game Playing!

Cinders ~~

I'm trying to be as unbiased as possible, which is going to be difficult, given my partial involvement in the process.

It seems fairly solid so far.

I simply cannot express my annoyance at the frequency with which descending platforms clip my left ear and cause me to disintegrate, though. It's almost as if Protagonist Man is deliberately trying to disassociate into random black particles. Good thing for the light system whoring, or else this could get pretty graphic.

The Doing Stuff bar gets a little in the way when it comes to trying to gun shit down, too. Early on in the Blue Zone, there's a terminal that reads simply, "They don't like fire." Well, okay, then, let me just expend all my Effort Points vaulting tiny-ass nails at homicidal robots, because fire isn't going to kill them before they hit you with a comically oversized wrench. Trying to hit Asshole Pickaxe Ghosts with fire isn't very practical, either, due to the fact that your blowtorch has but a pissing of range.

It's quite upsetting to have to restart a level when you go the wrong way and end up not having a working platform because there was no indication to go elsewhere, as well.

Stop point: Blue Zone, Some Level About Halfway Through

Carny Death Peddlers ~~

This is actually going to be my first Rez experience. I'm excited.

So, I'm some horribly unstylish dude from the 60s with an awkward walk. I have three attacks, Half-Assed Punch, Half-Assed Shove, and Super Saiyan Knuckle Thrust of Annihilation.

No points for guessing which of the three I use the most.

…. I just found a collection of explosives in a wastebin. Where the hell is this carnival?

Oh, something that looks to be a submachine gun. Even better.

That is a lot of cactuses.

So, The Incredible Voorhees is a boss or something, and he has a chainsaw and is really fond of awkwardly waving around a chainsaw while dancing around the room. It's really hard not to get caught in his beautiful whirlwind of blades, so I ended up dying to him, which is really sad. The banter is cute, but gets old after the third time you see it all. He has too much health and it's really hard to grind down, espcially when you're also confronted with Cyclops Knockoffs and Demonic Fatasses on each side, hitstunning you while Hockeyface here takes a two second nap.

Stop point: Battle 10 out of a lot

Ascended - Fight or Flight ~~

I've had mostly pleasant experiences playing Kilin's games so far, but this one throws me for a loop. So, I'm this random girl.

I'm walking along the hallways, but there's little indication as to what to do, how to unlock doors, or how to dispel the invisible creep that has nothing better to do than to attack me in an unknown manner in a dark hallway.

I mean, I learned something that ostensibly keeps spirits at bay, and did use it when the bitch was gearing to attack me, but I didn't manage to find a door past that point that worked. I'm assuming that the thing caught up with me sometime later, and apparently scared the shit out of my sword, because the thing just up and left, despite it being effectively my flashlight at this point- it certainly wasn't doing much to kill the thing in the hallway.

I tried running past it, and maybe into what might have had held an exit into an adjacent hallway, but I didn't find anything.

Maybe the message here is inevitability or something. If so, it does certainly well to make it really the only scary game I've played so far.

Sir Rudolph the Visionary Black Onyx Yew Wand ~~

Not a S4D entry, but certainly scary enough to qualify to be.

Dracula 13 ~~

This'll have to wait until Yaru gets assed to re-upload it.


Castypher 12 years, 3 months ago

Maybe the message here is inevitability or something.
I'd like to point out that the game can indeed be beaten and you'll know when the ending is. I purposely made the game obscure, but if people have too many issues, I'll start giving hints.

It really is a short game, lengthened only by not knowing what the fuck to do. I feel like I gave plenty of leads though, so keep an eye on the walls….

Here is the first hint:

something that ostensibly keeps spirits at bay
dispel the invisible creep

The protection only works against attacks, and doesn't keep you from getting scared and having your conjuration fail.

Also, what colseed said.


colseed 12 years, 3 months ago

This is actually going to be my first Rez experience. I'm excited.


go play darling springs now

Castypher 12 years, 3 months ago

Oh, and I forgot.

I've had mostly pleasant experiences playing Kilin's games so far
Kilin's games

ludamad 12 years, 3 months ago

I just want to point out that we (at least I did) realized the dude was quite plain as the game went on … but there's a certain point of animation investment you just can't back down from, with only a month and a half.

Also, it should be mentioned somewhere, but you can wade through text with enter. (I realize the popups are still annoying)

BTW Yaru's game: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/48005389/Dracula13.exe

The pictures in the blog post are download links.

Rez 12 years, 3 months ago

I'm the depressed at the lack of comments our game is getting on the graphics because that's all I really did. :\

I think I'm gonna make another game after this very soon.

Rob 12 years, 3 months ago

[quote=Taizen's blog titles]

Taizen Chisou vs XYZ


Man, why do you have to be so negative? Why can't it be "Taizen Chisou gets along with XYZ"?

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 3 months ago

Rez, I thought the graphics were killer. You just need to work on your animating, it's a bit stiff.

@Rob, Taizen just feels challenged by every noun, or series of letters at the end of the alphabet. All of his endeavors are conflicts.

Castypher 12 years, 3 months ago

I think I'm gonna make another game after this very soon.
Finally something motivates Rez. You have a player ready for you, my man.

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 3 months ago

Oh, if lack of comments motivates him, I take all my comments back.