Taizen doesn't sprite.

Posted by Taizen Chisou on Jan. 5, 2013, 10:34 a.m.

Because ordinarily it would look like this:

Sophia Wolfram from that one metroidvania Taizen's from

or this:

Jem from a school project- an adaptation of To Kill a Mockingbird

But! I've decided to TRY AGAIN!


All for a project that I've filed under 'To Do Never,' alongside Ricerca Strano and Lunacy Star 3.

It would follow the story of Average Guy who is Also Some Sort of Crazy Sampson Rhodes

(this is him)

doing SOMETHING to bring upon the end of the world, as foretold in some ancient prophecy known as the Ragnagest, only for it not to happen.

Instead, it merges with some parallel universe, and we end up with some novel oddities such as subterranean shopping mall dungeons and skyscrapers implanted into orbiting floating islands.

Shortly thereafter, he meets a resident of the other world, one by the name of Sashahan Triga, a monarch that rules over a decidedly large portion of the Earth.

The objective, then, is simple. Try to destroy the world again! For you see, even the failure was documented in the Ragnagest.

Since the world is a mix-up of both modern society and Weird-Ass Parallel Earth, I've come up with two sets of names for the characters in the game.

The first has stuff like Natalie Faust, or Marlene Karish.

The second contains Trisage Vimena, Gezera Mugest, or Sophe Franstozi.

(I've only put minimal thought as to how these people would look)

What the game would be, is some sort of platforming game (because I haven't made enough of those no sir) with only very minimal RPG elements (because I put them in everything right) such as item collection. That's really it though.

I imagine you would control either Sampson up there, or Sampson AND Sashahan at some points, or something. Before you can destroy the world, you DO kind of need to take over everything else (for, you see, they have stuff that you want.)

So, essentially, this game is like Ricerca Strano, except with less parody, and more straightforwardness, also set in modern times, and in a different universe, and it's not a TRPG. ….I guess the only similarity is that you're going around knocking heads with other kingdoms.

But who doesn't do that, right?!

Yeah, I'll just give up on this now.

New stuff:

Ferre from an unreleased book, New Estherson


pounce4evur 12 years, 1 month ago

Or burnt at a stake. Is burnt at a stake an option? #Crispy

death 12 years, 1 month ago

this is actually pretty good. i'm not sure why you're considering giving up, i can see progress in the small amount of things i've seen from you and you're handling it well.

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 1 month ago

And the girl in the new stuff has a certain charm about it.

I've never had much success in spriting weird-ass hair. This is more or less my first stab at it >_>;

this is actually pretty good. i'm not sure why you're considering giving up, i can see progress in the small amount of things i've seen from you and you're handling it well.

Why thank you.

I don't try this out very often, possibly explaining the small amount of things I've had to offer.


Kunedon 12 years, 1 month ago

Better than whatever I can do. At least you attempt to shade. I still have no idea what I'm doing with shading.

And oh hey, you do that colored liney thing too. I seem to be the only one who doesn't do that to help with my animations.

Toast 12 years, 1 month ago

>using hashtag on 64digits

Kunedon 12 years, 1 month ago

>greentexting on 64digits

eagly 12 years, 1 month ago

I'm sad that Toast isn't S-ing his H.

Toast 12 years, 1 month ago

>not getting the joke

eagly 12 years, 1 month ago

I'm happy as an outsider.


firestormx 12 years, 1 month ago

I translate that as "Toast isn't Shitting his Heck"?