Problems and whatnot

Posted by Taizen Chisou on March 30, 2013, 10:27 p.m.

I need someone with a similar setup to Charlie Carlo to try out Chaos Weapon, and tell me if something's causing my game to lag horribly and glitch out my sound.

[27-Mar-13 11:43:34 AM] Charlie Carlo: Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 @ 3GHz

[27-Mar-13 11:43:39 AM] Charlie Carlo: 4 GB RAM

[27-Mar-13 11:43:46 AM] Charlie Carlo: 64 bit OS

[27-Mar-13 11:43:50 AM] Charlie Carlo: uhhh let me find graphics

[27-Mar-13 11:44:14 AM] Charlie Carlo: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650

[27-Mar-13 11:44:19 AM] Charlie Carlo: anything else you need?

[27-Mar-13 11:44:40 AM] Amadeus Koch: that might do

[27-Mar-13 11:44:50 AM] Amadeus Koch: unless you can think of anything else that might be remotely relevant

[27-Mar-13 11:44:57 AM] Charlie Carlo: see, I didnt start getting the sound problems until I changed my graphics card

[27-Mar-13 11:45:08 AM] Charlie Carlo: but my previous card was also NVIDIA

I'm also having a bit of an issue regarding my game's loading times. Although it might just be the debug function I have called at the games' initialization, giving me one of each item through the games' slow-ass inventory adding script and teaching me every skill to every playable character, I find that the game hangs a bit when I call for the window to restart.

It gets so bad that my Game Over music, which is 16 seconds long, gets almost enough time to play twice before the game snaps back to action. It really is rather upsetting.

So, any ideas on cutting down loading? Because I'm loading all of the BGM and VA externally, but the SE is stuck into the Game Maker form. This shouldn't be overly important, should it? I don't think the sound effects are anywhere over 4 MB or anything.

Could it be my images or something?

I'm not going to need to externally load my images, will I? .-.

There'll end up being a little over 1,500 sprites and images in general by game's end (Charlie is about 9% of the way there) so if my sprite loader is zonking out now it's probably cause for alarm :I

And the last issue, of course, is in balance.

I finally got around to implementing the ability to change what you currently have equipped:

Not that that will save you from this:

But this is something that I should be able to sort out for myself. After about three more weeks of re-play-testing everything.


Toast 11 years, 10 months ago

I'd love to have a look through your code and try and find improvements. I can also "port" to OS X if you haven't got a Mac yourself.

Astryl 11 years, 10 months ago

With that kind of setup, either your code has some major bottleneck somewhere, or Charlie's system has too much running at once.

Charlie Carlo 11 years, 10 months ago

I'd love to have a look through your code and try and find improvements.
I don't know if he'd go for that.

He knows more about coding than me, yet somehow his code looks like a horrible mess compared to mine.

or Charlie's system has too much running at once.
I've tried shutting down basically everything (except Skype) and it still had the issue.

Sounds are all staticy and weird, I've even tried listening to the source sound effects and there's no problem. We've tried rooting out FMod, too. I have a feeling it's between Game Maker and my Graphics Card.

Taizen Chisou 11 years, 10 months ago

I was gonna suggest that it was this:


for(a=1;a<=global.EquipsNumber;a+=1) This is currently 67.
for(a=1;a<=global.ArmorNumber;a+=1) This is currently 33.
for(a=1;a<=global.AccessoryNumber;a+=1) This is currently 30.

the code that gives me one of what is currently every item, but then I remembered that this is called in the MasterGameSet(); script, which is only called when the game window (that is the game proper and not the main menu) starts, so it wouldn't be relevant concerning the code that gets called when the program begins.

Even then, I never had these problems before and the FrameworkSet() code hasn't been- wait.

rini_init(); DLL setup.
fConfigSet(); Pull the controls and master game settings (volume settings, window settings)
fBGMIdentify(); Setup filepaths for the music
[u][b][i]fVADefine(); Load all of the voice acting[/i][/b][/u]
FMODinit(100,0); These two setup the FMOD system.

global.inputMethod = 0; //(Keyboard; 1 = Gamepad)
global.newGamePlus = 0;
global.font1 = font_add_sprite(sFont1,ord("!"),0,1);
global.font2 = font_add_sprite(sFont2,ord("!"),0,1);
global.numfont = font_add_sprite(sFontNum2,ord("0"),0,0);
global.tinyfont = font_add_sprite(sFontTiny,ord("!"),0,0);
These ones should be fairly self-explanatory.

global.BGMLoaded = -1;
global.DontRenew = 1;
global.currentPlay = -1;
These variables concern the sound-handler.

{global.roomTarget[a] = 0;
global.xTarget[a] = 0;
global.yTarget[a] = 0;}

global.difficulty = 1;
0 = Easy, 1 = Normal, 2 = Hard

global.move = 1;
global.cutsceneActive = 0;
global.currentScene = -1;
Variables related to what the player is capable of

global.loading = 0;

Blargh I can't believe that I didn't think that 20 MB of sound loading miiiiight have given Game Maker a bit of pause. I'll have to set up a thread for it, like I did with game saving.

I'll try this out and see how it goes.