♪ Two More Hours ♪

Posted by Taizen Chisou on April 6, 2013, 9:27 p.m.

I admit, I didn't think about the feasibility of me ever producing two more hours worth of material before jumping at the upgrade plan.

But, I must say, it's pretty snazzy. I can see that since March the 25th, Mega's visited two of my tracks. This fills me with glee, because I can at least confirm that people who are more versed in composition are probably visiting my soundcloud for a sort of ego boost- "oh lol at least i don't write songs like this hahaha"

I've been trying out departures from the usual Taizen Style. I think.

I'd like to believe that I have one, anyway.

This one is meant to be similar to what Charlie does.

And this one just came out of nowhere.

My horrendawfubble pianos-only version of Nooodl's "Batteries"

I ask that you reserve about a third of your judgement as well and acknowledge that I spend at most, probably 80 minutes writing a track. A step up, I might point out, from the 20 minutes that used to be standard.

Something else that I get to do with an upgraded Soundcloud is direct people who visit my page to certain songs of my choice, the 'spotlight.'

It was… actually really, really difficult to come up with five songs that were simultaneously broad enough in tone and also of adequate quality to put up.

(I also didn't want both Theme of Mugestris and Theme of Corolena up there. I chose Mugestris in the end because I enjoy it better.)

I never thought I'd come up with as many things to say about my music at once. It's almost shameful.

Anyway, I have an impending ART DUMP. Including but not limited to, random sketches, art class assignments, and my comic-form answers to my Ask Me blog that came out a long-ass time ago.

I'd tell you to 'stay tuned,' but I can't expect you to stare at this webpage for three weeks.


Astryl 11 years, 10 months ago

I can see that since March the 25th, Mega's visited two of my tracks.
Halp! They're watching me! *runs*

This fills me with glee, because I can at least confirm that people who are more versed in composition are probably visiting my soundcloud for a sort of ego boost- "oh lol at least i don't write songs like this hahaha"

Nah. I've got an inferiority complex when it comes to my music. Music made by other people always sounds better than my own.

Also, I've got 14 minutes left… ;_;

Mummies hiding under your bed was interesting.

Charlie Carlo 11 years, 10 months ago

Four more years!

Taizen Chisou Sing-Along!

Fight the Man!

That's all the comments I could think of.

Waiting for this art dump of yours.

Hurry the fuck up.

Taizen Chisou 11 years, 10 months ago

Halp! They're watching me! *runs*
Nah, most of my views come from Charlie, Umbra, and colseed :P

Nah. I've got an inferiority complex when it comes to my music. Music made by other people always sounds better than my own.

I feel this way with everything ever.

Incidentally, what do you think of Theme of Mugestris? I think it's better than Corolena by a fair bit, though some might disagree.

Also, I've got 14 minutes left… ;_;

I had like, 1 minute, the thing said. Then I uploaded "Not Included," and got an e-mail saying that they hid Radical Laser Underworld from my page to even things out. I was not amused.

Mummies hiding under your bed was interesting.

Why thank you!

That's all the comments I could think of.

Waiting for this art dump of yours.

Hurry the fuck up.

Nuooooo but there's so much to go over, it'll take me a week just to compile it all. I've decided to even throw in some sprites, too.