On oversized games

Posted by Taizen Chisou on May 15, 2015, 5:12 a.m.

Oh, man. I wish I had something of note to say here, but I don't, really. I'm still working on the same 10-12 projects all at once and therefore none of them will ever be done.

Having dropped out of school this semester to raise Moving Out money is helping give me time to work, though.

The resource tree in Chaos Weapon cannot be tamed.

Being in the content generation phase of any project is a strange feeling. Doubly so when the game isn't even ready for content generation, but you're foolishly soldiering on creating maps and event scripting anyway.

Today, I've added the 50th location map and data for the 20th generic enemy. Right now, about half of the scenes for the first game day have been implemented, and them alongside the first dungeon comprise about 45 minutes of gameplay time.


I still have not implemented summoning familiars, or those fancy-shmancy Holy Shit Moves that warrant animesque hand-drawn cut-ins flashing on the screen.

So much to do.

One can draw parallels perhaps, between how I'm tackling the development of this game (and others), and how I'm taking care of my life.

(*Looks around bedroom.)

Perhaps I should spare some attention elsewhere for once.

In other news, Oklahoma recently had a small round of tornadoes and that asshole [furry] didn't do anything to warn me about it. How dare they.

Casualties include some of the glass on my car and its previously neat, undented body. Insurance wants me to cover $500 on it, which is coming out of my GTFO of the Nest fund.

We'll see if I'm still good on my promise to leave mom and dad's house by this July.

Right, have some more screencaps of the actual battle stuff.


Toast 9 years, 9 months ago

Motherfucker that is an achievement to have such a huge game.

I remember criticising Charlie's sprites and he got mad as fuck. But they're awesome. My only thought is why are you hiding the characters, make them spread out so you can see them all. Visual interest and shit

Taizen Chisou 9 years, 9 months ago

That made me exhale louder than usual. You should keep that in there

For the most part, player graphics are final, so look forward to seeing that. You might get a kick out of some of the other animations [points at Kilin's reaction to 15-year-old mage girl]

I downloaded the resource tree gif so I could go through frame by frame. That's why I'm not posting earlier.

You know, I didn't think anyone would do this. I'm curious to know for what reason …

I like to merge as many things into one as it makes sense to. So i would only have one object for "enemy" with an array which searches for sprites, dialogue, names, attacks, equipment, loot chances etc. Same with player characters, particle effects(if you have a lot of them, items, and all sorts.

I only have one object for players and one object for enemies. I actually have more battle _controllers_ than I do _actors._

This is part of the reason why the game has 600 sprites, 600 scripts, but only 60 objects (before Charlie added the particle effects)

Motherfucker that is an achievement to have such a huge game.

I remember criticising Charlie's sprites and he got mad as fuck. But they're awesome. My only thought is why are you hiding the characters, make them spread out so you can see them all. Visual interest and shit

Oh, thank you. He only really got mad about the ones in Oakfalls, though. Which, hey, that was my fault. I asked for him to detail in their faces.

The battle layout has been an infinite struggle.

Drawing the sprites at 1x makes them too tiny, so everything is 2x, but each sprite is 128x128 this way, or 256x256 for bosses

The window is 640x480, and the top 100 pixels are used for HUD elements while the bottom ~160 or so have some of their own as well. Four players, six enemies, infinite suffering.

I can't space the players horizontally like I can the enemies because there's a front row / back row system >_>

If you have suggestions, I'm more than welcome to them

Thanks for all the comments you guys. Perhaps I'll tackle one of the — six, or seven, last Difficult and Demotivating Things that Don't Exist Yet soon to speed things along.

DesertFox 9 years, 9 months ago

You had me at "this is a school bus".

600 sprites, 600 scripts, but only 60 objects

That actually doesn't sound too bad. It sounds like you've tried to keep behaviours separated and well-named, resisted the urge to smoosh things together. I've seen production codebases with far worse organization (as far as I can glean from your snippets).

Castypher 9 years, 9 months ago

Perhaps I'll tackle one of the — six, or seven, last Difficult and Demotivating Things that Don't Exist Yet soon to speed things along.
Out of curiosity and an involvement in this project, what are these Difficult and Demotivating Things [sic]?

Taizen Chisou 9 years, 9 months ago

1) Limit breaks Holy Shit Moves

2) Summoning system

3) A more streamlined UI for the party menu (Because what's not to love about unorganized spell learning lists or a strict "add" and "remove" submenu to swap out PCs, among other things)

4) In-battle party switching (flavor: not breaking everything)

5) A more refined inventory handling code that doesn't crash when I try to shop (More difficult than it sounds because I programmed in items shittier than man can imagine)

6) The 97% of the event scripts that don't exist yet

7) Reaching back out and retrieving the rest of the game's VA

Since 1-5 are mechanical, and– honestly, probably among the very last things that need to be done (assuming i haven't forgotten anything), you're looking close to the list of things that are needed before the game is… done done.

What is this strange feeling

flashback 9 years, 9 months ago

So i would only have one object for "enemy" with an array which searches for sprites, dialogue, names, attacks, equipment, loot chances etc
You make me very, very sad.

Alert Games 9 years, 9 months ago

Out of curiosity, how long does it take the game to load with internal resources vs externals in a project like this?

Taizen Chisou 9 years, 9 months ago

About 4 seconds.


Worth noting is that the music and voice files are externally loaded, while all the images and SE are not.

At the moment, the editable is a hair under 9MB, and the compiled EXE is 13.2.

There are currently 28 megabytes of VA (I project it will comprise about 250MB by completion) and the whole soundtrack that will be packaged within is 115, but the game doesn't load all of them at once.

Save files are loaded instantly. I could make them save instantly as well but I went through the trouble of installing a saving progress bar because I underestimated how quickly the process would go. In retrospect, 45KB is not all that large a file to be saving.

Castypher 9 years, 9 months ago

I'm still working on the same 10-12 projects all at once and therefore none of them will ever be done.
And half of those projects are my projects, too.

Alert Games 9 years, 9 months ago

@TC: Thanks for that information. I'm building a game downloader / self-updater so I'm interested in how games would typically be packaged.