On oversized games

Posted by Taizen Chisou on May 15, 2015, 5:12 a.m.

Oh, man. I wish I had something of note to say here, but I don't, really. I'm still working on the same 10-12 projects all at once and therefore none of them will ever be done.

Having dropped out of school this semester to raise Moving Out money is helping give me time to work, though.

The resource tree in Chaos Weapon cannot be tamed.

Being in the content generation phase of any project is a strange feeling. Doubly so when the game isn't even ready for content generation, but you're foolishly soldiering on creating maps and event scripting anyway.

Today, I've added the 50th location map and data for the 20th generic enemy. Right now, about half of the scenes for the first game day have been implemented, and them alongside the first dungeon comprise about 45 minutes of gameplay time.


I still have not implemented summoning familiars, or those fancy-shmancy Holy Shit Moves that warrant animesque hand-drawn cut-ins flashing on the screen.

So much to do.

One can draw parallels perhaps, between how I'm tackling the development of this game (and others), and how I'm taking care of my life.

(*Looks around bedroom.)

Perhaps I should spare some attention elsewhere for once.

In other news, Oklahoma recently had a small round of tornadoes and that asshole [furry] didn't do anything to warn me about it. How dare they.

Casualties include some of the glass on my car and its previously neat, undented body. Insurance wants me to cover $500 on it, which is coming out of my GTFO of the Nest fund.

We'll see if I'm still good on my promise to leave mom and dad's house by this July.

Right, have some more screencaps of the actual battle stuff.


Moikle 9 years, 9 months ago

why do I make you sad, flashback?

Polystyrene Man 9 years, 9 months ago

why do I make you sad, flashback?
because you should be using inheritance!

which… does gml even support that? I can't remember

even if gml doesn't support inheritance (which would be crazy), you're still better off making a bunch of individual enemies because building them on the fly with arrays is 1) messy and 2) slow

flashback 9 years, 9 months ago

^This. All of this.

And GM definitely supports at least a limited form of inheritance - I used to use it for enemy subclasses when I used it (as far back as the 4.x series, IIRC).

Phoebii 9 years, 9 months ago

Yes, GM:S supports inheritance. In my game all enemies have enemy_parent, that handles AI, collisions, attacking, etc, and scr_set_enemy_stats script sets enemy stats when enemy is created!

I have 16 enemies, it's still simple as managing 1 enemy, because everything is in one place and when I need to spawn enemy, I just spawn it, script and parent takes care of the rest.

Alert Games 9 years, 9 months ago

You should keep "this is a schoolbus" in the actual finished sprite.

Taizen Chisou 9 years, 9 months ago

You know, I thought I replied to Polystyrene Man's first question, but I guess I didn't

I'm going back to school part-time either next semester or the one afterward

Polystyrene Man 9 years, 9 months ago

First time in a while I've logged out to check if someone was using the usertag, and I guess you're actually talking about me. I am sufficiently bamboozled