New mods at the GMC. Congrats FredFredickson, Nailog, and Weird Dragon. I'm betting that a year from now, each of them will be a whole lot cynical in regards to the GMC. First to know eh?
Now here's what I think, because JakeX was nice and all, and just to be a good boy, I'll fill this up with a lot more of my hopes of how they will help the GMC.I'm looking forward to them cleaning up the Community, Websites forum, and perhaps then I can do something about the Game Design forum! Hoooooo yeah!
Yaaay, congrats. =D
Takagi, you are officially invisible. :)
When was he normal? I mean, he's not a 12 year old n00b. That instantly disqualified himself as Normal.
Good to see some changes at GMC. Never heard of Nailog, but yah Fred and Weird Dragon!
Yay. The GMC will be fixed! :D
Sorry mageknight, only God's that powerful.
+1337 Rep Points (Takagi. Nothing else.)