New Mods

Posted by Takagi on Aug. 24, 2006, 6:34 p.m.

New mods at the GMC. Congrats FredFredickson, Nailog, and Weird Dragon. I'm betting that a year from now, each of them will be a whole lot cynical in regards to the GMC. First to know eh?

Now here's what I think, because JakeX was nice and all, and just to be a good boy, I'll fill this up with a lot more of my hopes of how they will help the GMC.

I'm looking forward to them cleaning up the Community, Websites forum, and perhaps then I can do something about the Game Design forum! Hoooooo yeah!


Amarin 18 years, 5 months ago

Lol okay. And Fred is probably the <b>best</b> choice for a new mod.

Rob 18 years, 3 months ago
