I Know Why You Blame Yourself [‡‡]

Posted by Tasm on July 20, 2007, 6:01 a.m.


<div style="background-color:#99CCFF; margin:13px; border:2px solid black; padding:3px"> I suck at it. That's pretty much it.



<div style="background-color:#99CCFF; margin:13px; border:2px solid black; padding:3px"> I recently made a breakthrough in my life.

First off, I've come to realize that I need to stop looking for love. Odds are, I'm not gonna find it.

Secondly, I need to stop being pissed off all the time. People really aren't worth the pain and mental anguish that I put myself through. There's no point in wasting the time and tears on those fucking dogs.


This is the advice I live by from now on.


<center><b>Damage Report:</b></center>

<div style="background-color:#99CCFF; margin:13px; border:2px solid black; padding:3px"> I've got bruises on my arms from my friend Sarah beating me up.

Ok, not really, but we did take turns punching eachother in the arms.



<div style="background-color:#99CCFF; margin:13px; border:2px solid black; padding:3px"> Is fucking evil. It steals the souls from teenagers and rapes the innocent. It poisons your mind and… hey, picture comments…


<center><b>Random Image:</b></center>

<div style="background-color:#99CCFF; margin:13px; border:2px solid black; padding:3px" align="center"> <img src="http://www.box23.net/images/Domokun-main1.jpg" border="2px">


<i>I've got a candle, and I've got a spoon…</i>


RoyalSmacketh 17 years, 7 months ago

Aight. Get a girlfriend.

s 17 years, 7 months ago


firestormx 17 years, 7 months ago

You suck at driving because you listen to SLIPKNOT.

You got beat up by a girl because you listen to SLIPKNOT.

You fail at life because you listen to SLIPKNOT.

You're special and you get HTML privs because we didn't know you listen to SLIPKNOT. >:(


But the guys in slipknot should trip on stage and get the spikes on their retarded masks shoved into their faces. Hopefully most of them will die, and they'll have a resonable number of people in their band (honestly, bands with half the number of members make so much better music), and then they'd have reasons to be so whiney…But even with their members dying on stage, they still wouldn't be able to call themselves death metal…Or even metal at all…Their drummer is half decent, but other than him, slipknot fails, and their "DEATH METAL ROOTS" that they "went back to" in Iowa, couldn't hold up a potato plant.

And no, I'm not being dumb; slipknot is just being so horrible that they can't hold up a plant that is supported on all sides by walls of dirt.

On the upside, I'm going to go have elongated penises slammed into my ass while I shoot up heroin this weekend. Yay.

But I won't be listening to Slipknot. 'Cause that'd be gay.

firestormx 17 years, 7 months ago

p.s. Nothing against you. Your taste in lyrical quoting just sucks.

firestormx 17 years, 7 months ago

Oh, and also, DJ Starscream is pretty awesome.

Except when he plays with Slipknot.

I've spun some of his remixes on vinyl, and listened to a few mixes, and they were jungle!

So yeah, the DJ and drummer are good.

Otherwise, slipknot fails.

If they leave slipknot, anyone who listens to their music will automatically explode due to massive fail though, so big up to the junglist massif! And the drummer too.

firestormx 17 years, 7 months ago

Your three days grace avatar is alright though. ^_^

Shut up, I'm admin, I can spam you about bands all I want.

–Phantom Mod

Tasm 17 years, 7 months ago

Ok, fsx, I'm not sure of what to make of that…

But I'll just say this: I just listen to whatever music appeals to my current mood.

Right now, I'm listening to Nonpoint: Alive and Kicking.

And as for the thing about getting slammed in the ass…

yeah, have fun with that.

I'll quote another band next time.

firestormx 17 years, 7 months ago

I'm sorry. Slipknot is just one of those things that will get someone shanked by telling someone that not only do they like slipknot, but that slipknot is metal.

I gotta warn people. ^_^;

Tasm 17 years, 7 months ago

The Phantom Mod reveals himself…

Tasm 17 years, 7 months ago

Meh, don't worry about it. ^_^