
Posted by Tasm on Jan. 21, 2014, 4:13 p.m.

CZ-75BD Police

EDIT: Some dickface flagged my blog for content, so here goes my attempt to dry his tears:

Yeah, it's been like two years or something since I last posted. My contract ran dry and I moved to South Carolina since I have some family down here and I was already close, being in NC. I kinda regret moving here, though. The weather is nice I guess, but the people are just straight up morons. I'm talking drunk drivers ERRYWHERE and apparently proper parking isn't mandatory to get your license here. You think you've seen people park like assholes? Oh, no sir.

So that leaves me in a predicament. I want to move somewhere, and as you can guess, I like states with plenty of gun rights/freedoms. Strictly speaking, there are four states that fall into the "god-tier" category in this respect: Alaska, Arizona, Vermont and Wyoming. Open carry all day everyday. No permits or formal bullshit. I toyed with the idea of moving to Alaska since the thought of living in what is essentially a lawless wasteland has a bit of romantic appeal to it (and I do have friends up there), but I'm lazy and driving across the country isn't on my fun list. Arizona is a bit far away too. Wyoming is basically just farms and cowboys from what I've heard, so that leaves Vermont.

Moving to Vermont, I'd be out of the bible belt (no alcohol sales on Sundays? Into the trash it goes) and pro-gun activists are quite outspoken in the green mountain state. But I fear its proximity to communist New York might lead to some serious issues in the future.


firestormx 11 years, 1 month ago

I don't know what this is about, but the title has my attention. =D

LAR Games 11 years, 1 month ago

Yes. Yes it is.

Astryl 11 years, 1 month ago

I see your gun and raise you an Anaconda:

Tasm 11 years, 1 month ago

I want my next buy to be a wheel gun, but I can't fathom using one with a scope.

Kamira 11 years, 1 month ago

I shot some clays with a nice semi-auto 12-gauge the other day. First time I've picked up a gun in years.

firestormx 11 years, 1 month ago

I've never understood how a magnified optic on a pistol (or any stockless firearm) was supposed to be practical in any sense. Unless it has incredible eye relief.

Edit: btw, is that a kydex holster? How do you find the retention?

Tasm 11 years, 1 month ago

@StevenOBrien, are you saying that you are content at the moment, or remarking on the content of my post?

@FSX: it's a hybrid holster with leather backing and kydex for the actual gun. The retention is whatever you want it to be. The kit comes with an allen wrench you can use to tighten or loosen the screws. It's pretty neat.

firestormx 11 years, 1 month ago

Is it for concealed carry, or just for the range?

Tasm 11 years, 1 month ago

The holster is for IWB carry, but the gun itself is a bit large for CC. Although, when wearing it, it's almost impossible to tell I'm carrying even with a regular shirt unless I bend over or something. If nothing else, it's a great way to remind myself to maintain good posture and stand/sit up straight.

I'm considering getting one of CZ's compact models for carry, but that might not be until I move again.

Tasm 11 years, 1 month ago

Quote: StevenOBrien
I will be content when you add more content. Right now I am not content with the current amount of content.
