No Further Misbehavior

Posted by Tasm on Feb. 21, 2014, 2:03 p.m.


So I landed myself a part time job unloading trucks in a warehouse. Sounds riveting, right? Yeah, those years of military training are finally paying off. The way I see it, though, I'm basically getting paid to workout, lifting heavy shit for a few hours a day. On top of the money I'm getting from the gubmint for going to school, I'm doing quite alright for myself.

Not that anyone asked, but I've started teaching myself Java via YooToob videos and the like. My plan is to make the next Flappy Bird and generate thousands of dollars in revenue through advertising deals.

Not really, but I still want to make a game without the steaming mess that GM is now.

On Tuesday I actually had to go to a class on campus to learn how to make a Cat-5 cable, something I've done hundreds of times before. I'd never met the instructor for that particular course in person and, wow, is she a character. She kept speaking really slowly as she was detailing the ins and outs of fast ethernet and it got to a point where I actually could not listen to her anymore so I just grabbed a bunch of shit from the front table and made a cable while she was running her mouth. This turned out to be a bit of a mistake as she noticed how quickly I finished and asked that I walk around the room to help others. Fuck me, right?

i still ended up leaving 30 minutes early.

And now, onto the best part of my blogs - the gun part! Here's what I plan to buy with my tax return:

2014 CZ P-07

She's a beaut, right?


panzercretin 11 years ago

> military training

> works in a warehouse

> "I'm basically getting paid to workout"

> ends blog with next gun purchase

most macho member of 64digits by far

Tasm 11 years ago

Double majoring in women's studies and liberal arts.

Ferret 11 years ago

Be careful with your back, jobs like that can screw you over for the rest of your life.

Acid 11 years ago

That IS a nice looking gun right there. I'm going to look up how it fires… I know it's dumb, but I REALLY like visually attractive weapons. I think that, since I'm never going to actually USE the guns except for fun/entertainment, they might as well look nice. (Note: I don't have any guns at the moment. But I have a couple in mind that I want to get in the future.)

Tasm 11 years ago

@Acid: what guns, if any, have you fired before? And which did you have in mind?

Acid 11 years ago

A few handguns (different Glocks, Rugers, Colts) and a few semi-automatic rifles (Couple different Remingtons of different caliber)

I'd like to get:

Pistol: Newer version of the M1911 - like the Nighthawk T4

Shotgun: Mossberg Flex 500

I like the way some of the newer guns look, although a lot of them are too weirdly curved or angled for my tastes. I'm not too big on reliability or extreme accuracy or any of the important traits of a gun because I'm not a hunter and, realistically, if an intruder was ever in my home, I don't forsee having to shoot him from further than 50 yards.

Tasm 11 years ago

@Acid: Shotguns are pretty much the go-to solution for home defense; they don't require a great deal of accuracy (pretty much just point and click) and they pack a punch. Plus they're just fun to shoot. I've been thinking of getting one soon, but I've said that about maybe half a dozen other guns, too.

1911's are fine handguns, most of the popular ones on the market are well made. They can be on the higher end of the spectrum pricewise, though, and that's one of the reasons I don't own one.

if an intruder was ever in my home, I don't forsee having to shoot him from further than 50 yards.

Hey, you might end up living in a castle someday and have to fend off hordes of marauders before they cross your moat.

Acid 11 years ago

Honestly, I'm not even too worried about home defense, I just like guns. Haha.

I'll never get my conceal and carry and, even though I think they're AWESOME, I don't think civilians should necessarily have access to fully automatic weapons.

Also, I've read some decent reviews on this:

Tasm 11 years ago

Most civilians don't have access to fully automatic weapons. The amount of bullshit you need to do and the hoops you need to jump through just to have a chance at owning an NFA item is enough to deter probably 90% of the people who would ever want one anyway. But there are still people who honestly believe that John Doe can walk into the local gun shop and walk out with AK-47, a case of M67 frag grenades and a rocket launcher.

But I digress. I've heard good things about RIA.

Tasm 11 years ago


Not before opening an account with this company first… though these are probably semiautomatic.

They'd have to be. The ATF would burn that place to the ground.