No Further Misbehavior

Posted by Tasm on Feb. 21, 2014, 2:03 p.m.


So I landed myself a part time job unloading trucks in a warehouse. Sounds riveting, right? Yeah, those years of military training are finally paying off. The way I see it, though, I'm basically getting paid to workout, lifting heavy shit for a few hours a day. On top of the money I'm getting from the gubmint for going to school, I'm doing quite alright for myself.

Not that anyone asked, but I've started teaching myself Java via YooToob videos and the like. My plan is to make the next Flappy Bird and generate thousands of dollars in revenue through advertising deals.

Not really, but I still want to make a game without the steaming mess that GM is now.

On Tuesday I actually had to go to a class on campus to learn how to make a Cat-5 cable, something I've done hundreds of times before. I'd never met the instructor for that particular course in person and, wow, is she a character. She kept speaking really slowly as she was detailing the ins and outs of fast ethernet and it got to a point where I actually could not listen to her anymore so I just grabbed a bunch of shit from the front table and made a cable while she was running her mouth. This turned out to be a bit of a mistake as she noticed how quickly I finished and asked that I walk around the room to help others. Fuck me, right?

i still ended up leaving 30 minutes early.

And now, onto the best part of my blogs - the gun part! Here's what I plan to buy with my tax return:

2014 CZ P-07

She's a beaut, right?


Mairu 10 years, 12 months ago

Just stick a bump fire stock on it

Tasm 10 years, 12 months ago

If I'm gonna having a full auto, it's gotta be legit.

Acid 10 years, 12 months ago

Full auto

Tasm 10 years, 12 months ago

More like full retard.

Acid 10 years, 12 months ago

That is obviously the weapon of choice for professionals.

colseed 10 years, 12 months ago

neds mor attachmunts 2 b pro

not nuff attachmunts

never nuff attachmunts

firestormx 10 years, 12 months ago

Acid: Such operator

firestormx 10 years, 12 months ago

Shotguns are pretty much the go-to solution for home defense; they don't require a great deal of accuracy (pretty much just point and click) and they pack a punch.
I've heard the opposite about them being ideal for home defence. Or rather, I hear that debunked a lot. Shotguns aren't "point in the general direction, and bam, anything in a 5 metre radius gets blown away", especially at close home-defence ranges. There's just not much spread (well, there's a couple factors that determine the spread). And if you go for double aught buck, you're basically shooting eight 9mm(ish) rounds throughout your house, so you'd better make sure you know where they're going.

A lot of people don't keep their shotgun charged either, so if you have to rack it with an intruder there, you've just given them a big heads up.

Personally, I think that if you're going with something longer than a pistol, fragmenting rounds in a carbine should be the go to. You shouldn't have to have a gun that's "point and click". If you have a weapon that you intend to use to take somebody's life, you should be trained and prepared to use it. You should be able to complete a positive identification under stress. You should have proper trigger control, grip, and acquired sight picture, with your adrenaline pumping. You should be aware of what and who is around you.

You should not send a spray of eight 9mm projectiles through your house on an impulsive point-and-click.

That said, properly using a shotgun for home defence isn't a bad thing. Just don't expect it to become a wall of stopping power, just by pointing it in the general direction of an intruder.

Tasm 10 years, 12 months ago

@FSX: Not keeping your home defense weapon at condition 1 is, well, stupid. You might need it to be ready at a moment's notice, and being in a potentially dangerous situation is enough to make most people forget how to rack a slide or pull a charging handle properly. As far as the whole double-aught buckshot… well, don't using double-aught buckshot then. There are a plenty of other loads viable for home defense.

Just don't expect it to become a wall of stopping power, just by pointing it in the general direction of an intruder.

You're right, you need to pull the trigger, too.

Powerful Kyurem 10 years, 12 months ago

Quote: Tasm
"You're right, you need to pull the trigger, too."

Although depending on the intruder, shooting a leg might work just fine.