This will piss off the mods

Posted by Theonlywonderboy on July 4, 2006, 10:37 a.m.

Okay so it seems that the mods have seen it fit to take away the chatroom and there blaming us for it. The user who wanted it so bad. There even going to the extent of say the site will NEVER have a chat room again. They go on to say we wrecked are chances of having a chat. This is bullcrap. The only reasons I would guess (correct me if I'm wrong) the mods are taking the chat away is because A) There tired of hearing people complaining which is a givin for any website B) Something happened that I'm unaware of or C) the whole Lep thing which isn't our fault at all. Let's see how i can counter those reasons. If it's A then the Mods are at fault not us. If it's B then instead of getting rid of the chat ban the person who created the problem. If C then we could go back to flash chat and make it so non users couldn't get in the chat. I know I'm probably wrong but I at least want a reason why the chat's gone forever other then "you guys wreked it" or "it's your fault". Also don't say "but we have PM". I know that but I want a reason why the chat is gone because I found that more enjoyable then sending a message and waiting 15 minutes for a reply. I could complain more but in fear of being banned I'll stop now.


Tasm 18 years, 7 months ago

Check my profile snakeman.

Theonlywonderboy 18 years, 7 months ago

MSN sucks but maybe I'll have to get it since you guys all use it.

flashback 18 years, 7 months ago

There are these wonderful programs called instant messangers. Use them.

And honestly, it is the community's fault. All of the staff were bugged so much about the chat, no matter what we did, that we decided it's not worth the hassle.

Joewoof 18 years, 7 months ago

I once heard that it was demanding, somehow on some technical aspect of the site. If the users are at fault, then that cannot be the case. Flashback claims that the users are at fault. Therefore, technical faults are probably not the case.

I've also learned (from personal experience) that Flashback highly disapproves of user criticisms and demands. Thus, "user complaints" is more likely to be a major cause of this removal.

REZ, the "removal of the chatroom" itself is not really the issue. The scrapegoating of every single user by Flashback is irritating and/or confusing; that is the real issue.

I can imagine Flashback getting so pissed at some annoying users asking this and that about chatrooms - to the point that what you see there is the resulting "explosion". I believe that he doesn't really mean all of us, but all of the alleged whiners. That is still just an assumption though.

In other words, we're shouting at (bugging) the admins so much that at least one of them is going deaf to the masses. Give them a break.

I say we let this settle (or ferment into a collective anger) for a day. Then, perhaps, Wonderboy can PM melee (he's the nice, optimistic one, after all) and ask about what the chatroom problem really is about.

At least, that's what I'd say if Flashback didn't answer already. [^^]

flashback 18 years, 7 months ago

Actually, Canadonian is the one who suggested just flat out removing teh chat. He was getting a lot of complaints too.

And it's "scapegoating", not "scrapegoating".

Actually, the news post is generalized so as to not make certain members feel singled out. Certain members who know EXACTLY WHO THEY ARE.

I only disapprove of stupid requests by users, and this community tends ot put out many, many stupid requests, raising my agitation level quite a large amount.

But if you want teh chat back, take it up with canadonian. You might get it back within the decade if start being slightly less rude in your demands.

Rez 18 years, 7 months ago

MSN sucks but maybe I'll have to get it since you guys all use it.
How do you know if you haven't used it?

Eternal 18 years, 7 months ago

The Flashchat was nice. I didn't understand IRC. Also, does anyone know the answer to the following questions:

Is FlashChat free?

Is software to make IRC free?

Could they be hosted on a freewebs or geocities or bravenet or anything?

If both of those are yes, I will make 2 offsite chats for you guys, and IRC and FlashChat

Theonlywonderboy 18 years, 7 months ago

Sorry but I was getting that out there. For some reason I was pissed when I first read that but now I'm cooled down. If we get it back It'll be cool but if we don't oh well. Maybe I'll talk to Canadonian. I seem to take things to seriously so to anyone who reads this I apoligied for my rudeness but still I want you to take my point of view into account.

Rez@ I had MSN but I got rid of it because I didn't like it.

Eternal@ No there not I already checked. I have a freewebs account made for a 64 chat but knowone liked it. I just used the freewebs built in chat

flashback 18 years, 7 months ago

Flashchat is free and runs off a mysql database. It can kill a low-resources host.

IRC channels are free and can be set up on various networks without even downloading anything. We had ours set up on slashnet.

Theonlywonderboy 18 years, 7 months ago

Okay the ones I looked at weren't free. Sorry about the wrong information