64DSC - 4

Posted by Tien on April 9, 2014, 5:49 a.m.

This is an archive, stream of consciousness style, devblog of my adventures trying to code up a game for the first time.

Here is what I did today, what little it is:

I haven't been able to add much in today. I have fixed a bug with pushing stones/repositories, where you could only push up and down, and not left and right. I also made it so that if you push a stone over a filled pit, it will revert to filled afterwards, instead of magically transforming into white. I've designed, entered, and tested level 6, as well as tweaked the shaders a little bit. I switched the layers from going GBR to RGB, to better match the YMC route for interactables. I may move level 6 around, as it is a fairly large jump from level 5. I added the ability for the player to restart, and finally was able to trigger this when switching layers. This makes for more realistic playtesting, but I wouldn't have been able to find and fix some bugs with this. A lot of what I need to do going forward is just busywork, as I could release the game as-is (functionality wise), and it could be feature-complete. It doesn't have any audio, but I still don't know if I'll be able to compose something for that. I definitely don't want any pre-made assets going into this, though.

A quick note about my state of mind: I'm finding that I'm being more and more connected with the idea behind the game. Maybe it's just that time of the month for me, but while I enjoy what I'm doing with this game, I'm finding its bringing up a lot of old memories and old emotions. I will be publishing what I have made, no matter what–I don't know what that will be though. I'm definitely scared about where this is going to lead, especially once I have the story written down. This probably isn't a healthy exercise for me…
