
Posted by Tizabet on April 15, 2009, 12:35 a.m.

Robosquid admin here, with a quick message to anyone still wondering when the site is coming back.

…It probably isn't. Afeique (the founder) seems to have simply let the hosting run out, and has gone silent.

So whether temporary, or permanent, I've set up a (very slimmed down) replacement at and assuming Robosquid doesn't suddenly reappear in the next short while, I'll be building it back up into a fully featured site over time.

Meanwhile, I'm still trying to get in contact with Afeique, to either correct the situation (unlikely), or at least transfer the domain to me, so I can go from there (seems more likely at this point). We'll see how it goes.

~Chloe <3


MMOnologueguy 15 years, 10 months ago

I forget, what's robosquid?

Tizabet 15 years, 10 months ago

It's what GMClans became during the last "big" update.

F1ak3r 15 years, 10 months ago

Great, a temporary/all-new RoboSquid! This is just what I've been hoping for. Thanks!

TDOT 15 years, 10 months ago


ESA 15 years, 10 months ago

Hi there, I know you! Too bad it's down for now, but it's nice to see your commitment to the site, which will hopefully in turn inspire more from others (including a bit from myself).

Acid 15 years, 10 months ago

Thank you so much! :D

Tizabet 15 years, 10 months ago

I sure hope so! :)

The sad thing is, while I can't pull a backup of the database (it's locked to the local ip of the machine, so an outside connection won't work, and phpmyadmin is screwed up due to the lack of hosting), I've got a full backup of the actual site code, but can't legally use it due to licensing issues with IPB (the forum software the rest of the site is built around). So from scratch, it is…

You can also watch to keep track of progress on the new site. (I won't be making it accessible until enough features are in place that the current stuff can be translated over and phpbb can be dumped for good. (I **HATE** phpbb, but at least it's a temporary solution, I guess.)

SixWinged 15 years, 10 months ago

That's a real shame, I wasn't a member of Robosquid but I only heard good things about it.