3DS owners?

Posted by Toast on Sept. 7, 2011, 9:22 a.m.

Just wondering if there are any on the site. We can have a nice nerdy little discussion!

So the 3DS has been getting alot of stick recently, in fact it's probably the most heavily criticized system since the GameCube. Which admittedly it shares some similarities with.

But I love mine. I got one after the price drop, and even though we now know that the price drop was because they were getting of the original 3DS stock to release an entirely new model, in hindsight I'd still buy one.

Essentially I want a system I can play Nintendo games on with standard, tried and true controls, which doesn't cost much to boot and that's what I found with the 3DS.

There are certainly some design flaws. And yeah they are now releasing a second thumb stick which is obscenely ugly.

(which by the way, where the hell would you plug it in? It must be through the game port?)

But I still do want. I'm sorry but it's true.

Unsurprisingly there's probably going to be some killer app released alongside the new redesign so that everyone will buy the add-on and to claim the Japanese market, and unsurprisingly it looks as though that game is going to be Monster Hunter.

Games to look forward to getting:

1. Super Mario 3D Land

2. Inevitable Pokemon sequel (Full game in pokemon stadium style? Pleasepleaseplease)

3. Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater

4. Cave Story 3D

5. Kid Icarus


KaBob799 13 years, 5 months ago

Thats not a redesign, thats a controller add on for monster hunter because they are too lazy to change the controls from the Wii version. If it's even real, it could just be a fake because the second thumb stick looks weird in that pic. The price drop was also completely unrelated to a redesign, they wouldn't have released a new color afterwards if they were worried about selling out the original 3DS. Plus the only real change to make would be a better battery and that hardly requires a full redesign.

Currently I'd say the 3DS has a lot in common with the original DS, a slow start with all the good games starting to come out a year after release. The main difference is that people outside of Japan hate the 3DS because they've forgotten what the DS was like at the beginning, also it launched in march instead of november so no holiday rush to artifically boost the launch.

Full picture:

JuurianChi 13 years, 5 months ago

Kill me now.

Castypher 13 years, 5 months ago

Got a 3DS a few weeks after the release, and I now enjoy several free NES games, and will enjoy several free GBA games later this year. There are some promising titles. Looking forward to:

- Kid Icarus

- Rune Factory 4 (fuck yes)

- Star Fox (is it out yet?)

- Got Ocarina. It was pretty fun

I don't have it on me though, so I can't post my whatever-code, if it still exists.

JuurianChi 13 years, 5 months ago

Starfox is coming out This month.

Toast 13 years, 5 months ago

@KaBob Well, we'll find out in a weeks time, anyway, at this next Nintendo conference. The rumours I heard was that there was a new redesigned 3DS with two sticks, and the add-on is to make the old 3DS compatible with whatever games will be made for it. That does seem drastic, so you probably have the truth of it. However I also sincerely doubt they'd put this much R&D into a peripheral for a single game, so I'll wait and see.

Edit: It would also appear it's been confirmed by Nintendo, so must be first-party. Now I definitely doubt it's just for Monster Hunter.

Gordy 13 years, 5 months ago

i bought one for my girlfriend when she went off to college, only got to play ocarina of time, but it was really awesome.

i want them to port all the best N64 games to it, that would make me so happy.

PY 13 years, 5 months ago

people make fun of 3DS owners because for a while, there were absolutely no good games, and even now there are very few, and most of them are ports of games everybody should have played before anyway

KaBob799 13 years, 5 months ago


At this time the original DS would have had… yoshis touch and go and super mario 64. 3DS isn't doing that bad =p

PY 13 years, 5 months ago

And I made fun of DS owners this early, too.

LAR Games 13 years, 5 months ago

I'm gonna wait til they perfect it, or just get a PsVita.