3DS owners?

Posted by Toast on Sept. 7, 2011, 9:22 a.m.

Just wondering if there are any on the site. We can have a nice nerdy little discussion!

So the 3DS has been getting alot of stick recently, in fact it's probably the most heavily criticized system since the GameCube. Which admittedly it shares some similarities with.

But I love mine. I got one after the price drop, and even though we now know that the price drop was because they were getting of the original 3DS stock to release an entirely new model, in hindsight I'd still buy one.

Essentially I want a system I can play Nintendo games on with standard, tried and true controls, which doesn't cost much to boot and that's what I found with the 3DS.

There are certainly some design flaws. And yeah they are now releasing a second thumb stick which is obscenely ugly.

(which by the way, where the hell would you plug it in? It must be through the game port?)

But I still do want. I'm sorry but it's true.

Unsurprisingly there's probably going to be some killer app released alongside the new redesign so that everyone will buy the add-on and to claim the Japanese market, and unsurprisingly it looks as though that game is going to be Monster Hunter.

Games to look forward to getting:

1. Super Mario 3D Land

2. Inevitable Pokemon sequel (Full game in pokemon stadium style? Pleasepleaseplease)

3. Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater

4. Cave Story 3D

5. Kid Icarus


Josea 13 years, 5 months ago

Nintendo screwed up this console when they released it at $250, that's insane. I bought my DS at $130, I'm not spending more than that on the next portable console I buy.

KaBob799 13 years, 5 months ago

And thats why they dropped the price

death 13 years, 5 months ago

meh i don't have one and don't plan on getting one. top 5 games you want? all remakes/sequels. i've never been into portable gaming, it costs nearly as much as home console or PC gaming, but with last generations quality and a tiny screen that always brings neck pains and headaches. (especially the 3DS)

i'm no supporter of any company, i judge products individually and i see this product is no improvement on the handheld gaming idea, which is an idea that doesn't apply to today's level of technology. iPhone games are more popular than this, why? because it's a hundred times cheaper and more convenient. (and actually has more games and more original content)

when i look at the 3DS i see a sad attempt at reselling last generation ideas. their sad line up of games is proof. seriously, all they could do was remake a few games i played 10 years ago? i'm tired of it. i've already played Ocarina of Time over 100 times, i don't care to play it and buy it again (as i have the N64 and GameCube versions - that's enough!)

nintendo's love for gimmicks i always found childish as well. they never think of something new, they just do it before anyone else does in the main gaming industry. it targets non-gamers (which is actually good) but they fail to support daily-gamers. yet i still respect nintendo…

anyway enough on that rant. summary of what i said, i don't own a 3DS and don't plan on getting one. i don't see it as missing out on anything, except remakes of games i already played before - on a 2-inch monitor.

KaBob799 13 years, 5 months ago


What is the point in writing a rant about game selection on a new system? If the DS is any indication the 3DS will have a ridiculous amount of variety (both from Nintendo and other companies) in a couple years. In the first year you could write that rant about any console.

Also is it actually normal to have neck pains and headaches from handhelds? o.o

death 13 years, 5 months ago

thinking back to my Gameboy years, yes neck pains was always common, also i HATED when the Gameboy got a good original game, cause it forced me to play it all the way through with harsh lighting and constant pain of my back or neck. so yeah, i hold a grudge against these cursed objects!

and yeah, perhaps your right, but maybe not? handhelds have way more ports and remakes than consoles usually do, especially nintendo handhelds… at least that's how i see it.

also my point maybe about game selection but you gotta remember the most important part of a console is its game library. if nothing looks appealing to me, why would i buy the console? thus i've never bought a console within opening year (with the exception to the Dreamcast)

KaBob799 13 years, 5 months ago

Pre-backlight systems shouldn't be compared with modern systems =p

I've actually found it the opposite, handhelds have a lot of sequels but less ports. Especially now that consoles are flooded with virtual console/arcade/whatever the ps3 has. Handheld ports are typically of games that are both old and were not portable before, so they have a higher value than console ports and get hyped more.

Not saying you should rush out and buy a 3DS, all systems are better values after 3+ years unless you want to play online games when they first come out. For example, I waited for the 360 redesign before buying mine =D

Ferret 13 years, 5 months ago

add on for monster hunter because they are too lazy to change the controls from the Wii version.
You can play it without the addon, the controls are optional.

KaBob799 13 years, 5 months ago

Yeah I know but they specifically made a controller for the Wii so that they could use their original control set up as well. Essentially this add-on is for the extreme monster hunter fans in japan that just have to have the best control option, though if its cheap and/or widespread I wouldn't be surprised to see other games using it optionally.

This is of course assuming the rumors are wrong.

Ferret 13 years, 5 months ago

Well it sure beats what I had to endure when I obsessed over monster hunter on the psp

The claw…. *shudders*

BP Scraps 13 years, 5 months ago

The hell is that analog stick? You can do better than that Nintendo. For the love of God, let's make this thing a bit more subtle.