Share your RPG4D projects here. (Old page)

Posted by Toast on May 17, 2012, 11:58 a.m.


Old post, use newest page with submission info for all competition discussion:

Seeing as new members are consistently posting short blogs in the RA along the lines of "I am making an RPG like somethingorother kthxbai", I've decided to satisfy their urges here. To clarify, blogs in the RA (the Recent Activity Feed, in the right sidebar) must be longer than a few sentences, unless you're posting some other media (pictures/music/videos/games). You are also not allowed to blog in the RA more than once every 24 hours.

You can talk about initial ideas or progress here, unless you have enough to talk about to make your own blog. You are not required to post your progress, this is simply to keep the RA free of pointless blogs.

As RPG4D entry is nearly closed and the page has a bazillion comments (over 1000?), we'll also phase out the original page and use this page for any further discussion of the competition, until I open submission at the start of July.


Castypher 12 years, 9 months ago

I don't think anyone is, to be honest.

Unless they set their ambitions low, that is. But most of us set them a little higher than they should be (or at least I did).

SkidRunner 12 years, 9 months ago

I already had to re create my entity system. major setback for my project.

Sheppard 12 years, 9 months ago

I'm currently fighting back the urge to make my project much more ambitious than I had planned. I'm actually a little bit ahead of schedule

Damnesia 12 years, 9 months ago

I can finally start again at June 20 :( F'n exams. And Im going to change my code to a HTML game. *restart*

SkidRunner 12 years, 9 months ago

I broke down and started making classic RPG game levels. I mean block style and actually it isn't that bad.

"Still 3D though"

colseed 12 years, 9 months ago

My amazing progress after spending the first month procrastinating thinking up giant concepts which have now been scrapped doing random things:

Nehemek 12 years, 9 months ago

Haha, me wasting precious time stickerz

EDIT:They are the characters of my game.

Toast 12 years, 9 months ago

Keep your eyes on the prize, people. Specifically this prize:

$400 Prize Money

A copy of RPG Maker VX Ace each*

One copy of GameMaker 8.1, HTML5 and a GameMaker T-shirt

Featured on YoYo Games (if game created with Game Maker 8.0+)

Featured on Game Jolt AND a Game Jolt T-shirt

12 months 001 Game Creator subscription

Featured on Roencia Game Creators and a large-sized package of 100s of royalty-free graphics from

64d Comp Winner Badge each*

IUP Bundle each*

SPECIAL PRIZE: The winner gets to suggest ONE bugfix or feature that goes into 64digits next. Must be feasible and sensible.

Here's an estimate:


$830 worth of stuff, your game featured on four websites, a priceless special prize and your achievement is recorded on 64digits for the rest of eternity!

…and that's just first prize.

Please thank all the wonderful people who donated. If you're wondering why I'm only commenting on this now, it's because the prizes have only recently stopped coming in.

I'll have to investigate the GameMaker prize as HTML5 is discontinued… I'll see what they say about that. It's funny, I was oblivious at the time but when I was emailing YoYo, they actually hinted that Studio would be released before the competition finished.

On an unrelated egotistic note, 40,000 blog hits yeah! I had about ~20000 when this competition started, so that's a good way of judging how many hits this comp got. Assuming no one reads my other blogs.

Polystyrene Man 12 years, 9 months ago

You've done good, Toast. It's nice to see all your effort is paying off.

Cesque 12 years, 9 months ago

Okay, so I finally combined world generation and level generation.

I wanted to create an awesome composite image of an entire world* at this stage. Howeverrr, generating the world is one thing and making an image of it is another. I can't figure out a way to make Python do it for me (pygame can't exactly stitch images together, I'd probably have to display everything at once on one giant screen and then copy and save it or something), and doing it manually for 256 tiles is a bit… time-consuming, so I won't be posting any awesome composite images of my game's worlds any time soon.

I'll keep trying, though.

* It wouldn't actually be awesome. There are no rivers yet, most locations are empty, the edges of the map crash the game and the tiles and their random arrangements look like shit. Still…