Ludum Dare 25 — December 14th-17th, 2012 — Theme: ???Hoorah! It's that time of the triannual schedule once more.Keep hold of your neckbeard and trilby; you're in for a whirlwind 48 hours of staying indoors and avoiding all social interaction.Are you taking part? What tools are you using? What do you want the theme to be? Jam or Compo? Collaborating? Livestreaming? Do you even into things at all?My answers:-YUS-Flash Develop, Flashpunk, MS Paint, Sfxr, Audacity, LSDJ-KITTEHS-Compo-No-No-42
Oh man, right between my linear algebra final exam and my statistics exam. I would totally do it if it were the 18th-21st though.
Challenge accepted!
I shall either include an overly perverted pedo in my game or a piece of spinning toast…Heh no way. 48 hours of developing… would kill me. I like to sleep after about half of that, or less. Further more, i just… suck. All i could do is some simple, terrible looking game. Takes me an hour just to do a single tile and than i'll end up redoing it anyway.
Good luck to anyone that finishes anything for this one though. Last time i entered one of these short comps, i ended up with a broken game xDUm. You are allowed to sleep. You have my permission. Feel free to use the bathroom too.
And sucking is no excuse. DOESN'T STOP MELol yeah it is no excuse, but how many of us NEED another project on our hands? I can't stop myself from coming up with big ideas that take forever. i don't even know HOW to do a small idea and pull it off in a satisfying way. Small projects just aren't satisfying for me.
Small projects are quite satisfying for me, I don't know why I don't do them more often…
For the books, my +1ing of toast's comment was not to insinuate that he sucks; I just liked his attitude.
You don't suck, toast.Have a popsicle.What's everyone using? I think I'll use GM to whack something together nice and quick.
GM is a very good choice indeedy. The only reason I'm using flash is because in-browser games tend to get played more.