Ludum Dare 25 discussion page

Posted by Toast on Dec. 6, 2012, 5:20 a.m.

Ludum Dare 25 — December 14th-17th, 2012 — Theme: ???

Hoorah! It's that time of the triannual schedule once more.

Keep hold of your neckbeard and trilby; you're in for a whirlwind 48 hours of staying indoors and avoiding all social interaction.

Are you taking part? What tools are you using? What do you want the theme to be? Jam or Compo? Collaborating? Livestreaming? Do you even into things at all?

My answers:


-Flash Develop, Flashpunk, MS Paint, Sfxr, Audacity, LSDJ







Toast 12 years, 2 months ago

Meh I don't like the theme so much and have no ideas. Might just work on other stuff this weekend.

Pirate-rob 12 years, 2 months ago

Aw you guys all give up so easily! Accept the challenge when you get it!

Astryl 12 years, 2 months ago

I joined late. I finished in four hours. Screw the laws of time, space and physics.

sirxemic 12 years, 2 months ago

Fucking +1 for Reason 5.
Can I have +2.5 for being a legitimate Reason 6.5 user?

Juju 12 years, 2 months ago

We'll round up to +3 (someone else like sirxemic's post please).

Screw the laws of time, space and physics.
Would have been kinda cool to do a game where you, the villain, subvert the laws of physics against a benevolent scientific dictatorship.