STARTS: SATURDAY 6TH APRIL, 0:01AM GMTENDS: SATURDAY 13TH APRIL, 0:01AM GMTRules:Based on Ludum Dare jam rules1. You can work alone or in a team.2. Create a game in 7 days.3. Games should be based on the theme.4. All libraries, middleware, content creation, and development tools are allowed.5. Source code is not required.
something unrelated to the month (please no april's fools game) but still contained within the month of april would be nice. I vote for a more general theme, like the 64jam.
I haven't hosted for a while. School's on the high side but it'll wind down soon enough. If no one else jumps to the role, I'll go ahead and give it a go.I'd definitely be up for it.
I wouldn't mind hosting.Nice CSS.well i keep saying i'm going to host Final Four in April, but i've never hosted before and don't have any prizes atm. and idk how long the competition should be. :s input?
I want a specific theme >:(
Call it a Space Jam. We'll all make space games.
How about "thinking" as a theme?
inb4 64Digits doesn't like games where it has to think.for themes, how abooooot:
-outdoors-cultures/civilizations-"spring break"-ecosystems -meatballs@hel Final Four? I think that pun is dead in the water. Looks like you're hosting so far, with Kilin as back-up. As for length anywhere between 2 days and 2 weeks would suit me better but see what everyone else wants.