Game Jolt Contest 10

Posted by Toast on Nov. 2, 2013, 8 p.m.

Game Jolt Contest 10

November 9 - 18

I thought I'd give making a game one more try. I might blog my progress when it starts. Not a livestream, that's just a tragic waste of everyone's time.

If anyone else is joining hit up this blog and we can pretend we're friends on the Internet.


Toast - Drink Driver Bros (flash; play in browser)

Charlie Carlo - Grimgala (download)


Toast 11 years, 4 months ago

Internet sarcasm strikes again. My syntax was inherently sarcastic, though. Careful now.

Anyway, time to make a game (after I've finished learning about linear regression)

JuurianChi 11 years, 4 months ago

I've seen enough idiotic feminist stuff on tumblr, I don't want this thread to dissolve into a 'who can be the most politically correct' contest.
Aw. I would own at this contest.

Charlie Carlo 11 years, 4 months ago

I'm making a surreal roguesque game with the most asinine random generation system ever devised by man.

Quietus 11 years, 4 months ago

oh my god at first i thought i was looking at some Juurian-esque horror sprite. random generation ftw

Charlie Carlo 11 years, 4 months ago

Toast 11 years, 4 months ago

The game I want to make is essentially a derivative of the helicopter game.

This is the game that Jetpack Joyride and Temple Run and Ridiculous Fishing are all basically based on and ripping off. I purposely want to make something overwhelmingly simple:

1. A one-button game that could potentially be played on touch devices.

2. Endless, randomish gameplay which doesn't require pre-designed levels but just gets progressively harder.

3. Easy to vary game modes, so there will be a few modes where you avoid obstacles (other cars, cops, pedestrians) and a mode where you have a shootout with the cops.

I wanted to make it politically incorrect and obviously about party(ing). So it's a game about two brothers who go on a drink-driving rampage, stopping at every bar for a drink and crashing every party they come across. The game gets harder as you get drunker!

There will be a story which gets told as you reach higher and higher scores (you won't have to sit through the same dialog over and over again, it will automatically skip).

This is probably the most plausible idea for a game I've ever had, I can actually see where the implementation will end. It's easy to add more and more features though, so I'll do the basics for the contest and if people like it I'll add more.


Castypher 11 years, 4 months ago

Somehow I figured Charlo was going to use that lighting engine.

Can you use the awesome placeholder man, too?

Toast 11 years, 3 months ago

Need chiptunes for a silly game about drinking excessively, running over people and crashing into things

Let me know if you're willing and able.

spike1 11 years, 3 months ago

Lol, just realized my game isn't fun at all, am doing a completely new idea :P


Oh dear, only 3.9 days left :D :D :D

Toast 11 years, 3 months ago

Still looking for music. Here's some people being run over to pique your interest (sicko)

edit: Toast's programming lesson of the day: if you keep calling the random function until you're calling it 1000s of times a second, you will eventually reach 20fps.