Game Jolt Contest 10

Posted by Toast on Nov. 2, 2013, 8 p.m.

Game Jolt Contest 10

November 9 - 18

I thought I'd give making a game one more try. I might blog my progress when it starts. Not a livestream, that's just a tragic waste of everyone's time.

If anyone else is joining hit up this blog and we can pretend we're friends on the Internet.


Toast - Drink Driver Bros (flash; play in browser)

Charlie Carlo - Grimgala (download)


Charlie Carlo 11 years, 3 months ago

Toast, I want to play that.

My game has blood magicks.

Toast 11 years, 3 months ago

I want to play that.

Also do my art for me :(

Charlie Carlo 11 years, 3 months ago

But I'm doing mine. :c

Toast 11 years, 3 months ago

But do mine :(

Just kidding of course. I just noticed the purple lighting on that hologram thing, that's awesome.

(For some reason when I do game jams I cba spending any more time on graphics than I have to, so everything is just placeholders, rather than super detailed like yours)

Charlie Carlo 11 years, 3 months ago

Hah mine's just a bunch of black scribbles.

spike1 11 years, 3 months ago

Lol, my graphics are awful even when I put time into them :P.


Also, both of your graphics are awesome :D. The cartoonyness(?) of Toasts version looks like it fits the game perfectly, while Charlie, yours is stunning(And the purple glow is pretty lol, I'm a sucker for glowing objects(I need to make a game that includes hundreds of those :D)) :).

Castypher 11 years, 3 months ago

edit: Toast's programming lesson of the day: if you keep calling the random function until you're calling it 1000s of times a second, you will eventually reach 20fps.

I make bullet hell games where I'm creating a thousand bullets and thus calling random() a thousand times a second and haven't noticed this slowdown of which you speak.

That is, unless your computer is somehow worse than my craptop.

Then again, I usually cap at around 1000 so if it takes any more then I probably just haven't gotten that far yet.

Toast 11 years, 3 months ago

I really, really abuse it though, like every property of every object has some degree of randomness, just to make things more interesting, and there are 100-200 objects updating every frame.

I'm "level generating" while the game is running, so that's why it's slow (and I obviously haven't bothered trying to make it faster at all).

Charlie Carlo 11 years, 3 months ago

I really, really abuse it though, like every property of every object has some degree of randomness, just to make things more interesting, and there are 100-200 objects updating every frame
This is the story of my life.

Castypher 11 years, 3 months ago


What in that game of yours could possibly require a random function to be called every frame?


I just–

