My Idiot of a friend

Posted by Top_hunter7 on Oct. 20, 2007, 5:03 a.m.

Hey 64D,

As you can tell from the blog title, I am going to be saying about a friend of mine that is a complete and utter idiot! My motor bike (which was in bad condition already) was driven by this 'idiot', straight into the side of a lorry! Good thing it wasn't out on the main road. (In colleges' car park) So, damage done to my friend straight after the accident, a grazed knee, damage done to him an hour after the accident, Many times getting my boot up his ass!!! The bike still works, for now, but the key snapped in the ignition, so when I got it out, I had to wait 5 days to get the new key delivered, so from then on, I had to hot wire the bike to make it work! And I needed that bike for everything, work, college, and of course, rushing to college hearing that the servers crashed in NDAI Messenger! AGAIN!

Well, on a lighter note, NDAI Messenger is up and running (again) with the servers fixed. (the problem was a simple problem with the computer network) and I have been offered to be moved up a year, not sure whether I will accept as the hours I am in college at the moment work pretty well around my work hours, as I am usually out of college at 2 and start work at 3:30, so it's all good.

My game has hit a wall, literally, that's the bug, but I nearly have it fixed, it's a problem with the movement script I wrote for slopes, it did work, but now it doesn't for some reason! O.o

Well, goodbye 64D



PY 17 years, 4 months ago

Heh, I had that problem with crap, too.

Poor bike, get well soon. Keep us posted with NDAIM, I for one am interested.

JoshDreamland 17 years, 4 months ago

I love idiot friends, they make me feel better about myself.

jsorgeagames 17 years, 4 months ago

Why did your friend drive straight into a lorry? They're huge. He must be an idiot.

I like motor scooters. Never driven a motor bike before. Probably becuase I'm not old enough.

Zac1790 17 years, 4 months ago

So you're saying that instead of walking up the slope your character acts like they hit a wall?

Shork 17 years, 4 months ago

My motorbike has no motor. Or carborator. Or brakes. After I added the duct tape, the seat works now.

Top_hunter7 17 years, 4 months ago

Thanks for thge replys. As a matter of fact, the idiot of a friend, is sitting beside me in commege now! So now everyone is laughing at him! Also, the problem with the slopes is now fixed, i made it 1 pixel too low for contact, so it's sorted. Phazon Yoshi, glad to hear you are interested, the main things I am using is : 39dll.dll, GMSQL, MySQL and ofcourse GML! But the servers are now fixed for another while. <_<

poultry 17 years, 4 months ago

A GM server will probably crash often, kbai

poultry 17 years, 4 months ago

GMSQL? Dude, can i go to your college? ^_^

Top_hunter7 17 years, 4 months ago

Well, I assumed that it would since their are a lot of users, but we (by we I mean me and programming staff) are thinking about adding more servers for subjects, but you can go in and out of other subject servers, that will make less traffic on one server, in turn reducing lag. Chiken : Well, it depends, where are you from?