Ok, so I looked back through my old blog posts and found that my first idea to make this chat program thing was SCP Chat. It stands for Server Chat Program. I know it is kind of a different name, but it works. I am goint to change it to …
..::Competition Game::..
Ok, so work on my game for the 64Digits Game Competition is going well. I have made some cool extras that I won't give away. I won't post screenshots until it is time to submit the games to Luda. For now, my game is a secret.
The other games for …..::Stuff::..
Well, I didn't know what to title this blog entry, so I titled it stuff.
I just PMed Luda my screenshots for my game that I am submitting to the 64Digits game competition. Of course Luda is not online anymore, hope he gets it in time.I beat LOLOMGWTFBBQ 4 …..::Projects::..
Thanks to Twisterghost, I have a new feature on 64Digits to mess around with…projects. I love this feature, it is a great one. Something 64Digits needed for a long time. Now I and everyone else have a place to keep you guys updated on there latest game ideas, pre-wips, and …
I Figured Out How To...
I Figured Out How To Access PHP Scripts With A Socket Dll 1556
RPG Sprite Kit
RPG Sprite Kit
Site Not Working
Site Not Working 1432
Battle Legends Online
Battle Legends Online 1293
New Avatar
New Avatar 1079
Megascape Name Change and Major Update
Megascape Name Change And Major Update 966