..::Lukesterspy's Online Cave::..

Posted by Treebasher on May 13, 2007, 11:56 a.m.

I just got my site online. It is awsome. Check it out at http://lukesterspy.freehostia.com/ . There is something weird with it that makes it so that sometimes when you click a link it will not go to that page. The connection times out or something. I think it is my host, but it might only be me on my personal connection to the internet. I don't know. Anyways, I think it is pretty cool. I have a question below though.

Does anyone know how to make my HTML frames not stretch with the text? I don't want them to stretch. I had them centered in the middle of my sight for a reason…because it looks cool. Lol. Well, anyways, does anybody know? I am going to go look it up now, but it might save me some time if somebody here knows.

In other news, it is Mother's Day. My mom is out of towne, and she turned off her cell phone so I can't call her to tell her "Happy Mother's Day"…Oh well, maybe she will turn it back on later…

Yesterday I had to move six tons (and by tons I mean the two thousand pounds to-a-ton tons) of sand, dirt, and gravel all mixed together. We had about three tons more that we needed. It was a pain…

Well, that is just about it, check out my site. I think I will register a free "domain" to make my site look better in the address bar and easier to get to, but I don't know. Well, post some comments on my site. Blog post over!

Hits On Post - 1917


ludamad 17 years, 9 months ago

Eh, free hosts suck.

Treebasher 17 years, 9 months ago

Eh, I am saving my money. I don't want to waste some on it if I have a good enough free host (for now that is, it is really slow…).

god 17 years, 9 months ago

Seems like its pretty slow…

LoserHands 17 years, 9 months ago

Use Twisternet! Its still fast even though I'm at my cousin's. On his comp. Which is pretty slow…