Medirc [Irc Rpg Game]

Posted by Treebasher on Feb. 25, 2008, 8:50 p.m.

Medirc is a text based rpg that runs over the irc protocol. It runs off of a bot that is nicknamed Medirc, so it should be easy to tell what it is for. The game is still in development, but is very functional at the moment. Plans that are being made for it include different areas, trading, stores, weapons, armor, more monsters (depending on area), fishing, etc.

Basically, to start playing, you have to type !mi create, which, after the bot receives it, you should get a message telling you of the success. After that you can do some stuff with the following commands.

  • !mi help - sends you the help

  • !mi news - sends you the latest news

  • !mi stats - sends you what your stats are

  • !mi statup [stat] - levels up the stat chosen (strength/defence/fishing) if you have statup points, which you gain when you level up

  • !mi gold - tells you how many gold coins you have

  • !mi name [name] - changes your players name

  • !mi attack - will attack the only monster currently available, and evil turtle, and give you xp and gold coins, and maybe even level up

  • !mi pvp [username] - will pvp the given users player, if they have one

    So far, it is working very well, and it would be cool if you would try it. I will be running the bot on the 64Digits channel, #64Digits, that is hosted on .

    In other news, my computer has been lagging like crazy lately. I would move the mouse to get out of the screen saver, lock up for a few seconds. I would right click on my desktop, lock up for a few seconds. Finally today it decided to give me a big blue screen of death. Turns out a peice of hardware went in an infinite loop, so Windows decided, "Hey, this doesn't look right, we will kill it". So when my dad got home we turned off my computer, took out my battery, put the battery back in, ran a disk cleanup, ran a defrag, and now I am about to start a virus scan. It seems to be working better now, but the virus scan is taking forever, so I am using a different computer right now.

    I was going to work on an update for GMIrc, but guess what, my computer boke XD. Maybe I will work on it tomarrow if I have time. The next GMIrc update will have word wraping, and hopefully multiple channels (in progress). And yes, I finally figured out how to get word wraping to mostly work with my system =O, so woot.

    Yep, that is about all. Come and join the 64Digits irc (if you need an irc client, try out GMIrc at and play Medirc with me, and hopefully some other people. Later everyone.
  • Comments

    RetroX 16 years, 12 months ago

    !mi pvp PY

    Treebasher 16 years, 12 months ago

    XD You have to type that in the 64Digits irc chat, that is, after you type !mi create, if I didn't make that clear =P.

    Mush 16 years, 12 months ago

    cool game so far.

    beam 16 years, 12 months ago

    why does everyone use !command

    Treebasher 16 years, 12 months ago

    That is the normal prefix for bot commands, for most bots.

    PY 16 years, 12 months ago


    repeat(melee's weight)

    !mi statup strength

    !mi pvp RetroX

    Owned, retteh.

    Treebasher 16 years, 12 months ago


    Cpsgames 16 years, 12 months ago

    Looks pretty great.