Protozoan's anxiety

Posted by Tumetsu on Feb. 10, 2007, 10:41 a.m.

Well, I created new game team with my friend called Protozoan's anxiety. I know it's pretty weird name but I like it and "Paradox" was used allready so I and my friend invented new name.

We are now building point & click game and it is going pretty well, except my computer's hard drive crashed and I must took it to the repairing. However, all data is saved but I can get them back after 3-4 weeks when I get my computer back from repairing. You might wonder how I then write this blog. Well, guys in place where we bought my computer gave new computer for time before I get my own back. I installed immediately GM, Fire Fox and couple other important programs to it. However I can't continue my point & click game because it's file is inside my computer so I can't get it before 3-4 weeks, so I thought I might start some new games or build Bodyless. Luckily I have it's gm6 file in my e-mail. And for those who are interested to my and my friend's point & click game, here is screenshots:

It will contain ~25 levels. I have planned 5 levels and three are completed. My friend just make level 4's graphics but I can't build the game :(

I have been spending my time with reading David Edding's Althalus what is really good book like his all books are, played Zelda Twilight Princess and reading Wikipedia's articles about multiverses and paradoxes. I'm going to use them someway in my point & click game :)

By the way, about paradoxes, here is one for you:

Imagine hotel what contains infinite rooms. All rooms are full. However, you take one guest more. How you can make room for this man if hotel is full…? You are not allowed to throw anyone outside hotel thought. If you want answer, try wikipedia search "Hilbert's hotel" or something like that.

Hrrr! Here is really cold. There have been -25 - -37 celsius degrees on outside nearly whole week. I have been sick from wednesday so I didn't need to go school when it was so cold so yeah.

Well, I think I have said everything important now. Now I noticed that I ahven't writed blog for some time. I have visited here many times, but I didn't had anything to say.

Until next time, see ya.


Crane-ium 18 years ago

Cool name, hopefully a good game. I rhyme! Kinda…

Lethal 18 years ago

Awesome name! Really cool. Sux about your computer… good luck, its loking good.

contrendo 18 years ago

You know, there is a real game company named paradox.

Alert Games 18 years ago
Tumetsu 18 years ago

You know, there is a real game company named paradox.
Oh really…? I didn't know that but whatever. Maybe we will change it littlebit later. Don't know. [:P]

Tumetsu 18 years ago

Hehe, we decided to name our game as "Paradox" because it is puzzle solving game. And we renamed our team and now I'm pretty sure there isn't same named game teams allready xD

Yeah, the name is weird but my imagination is also little weird so it's name is now Protozoan's anxiety. [:D]

s 18 years ago

Isn't a paradox a thing that loops?

Read the line below

Read the line above

1=2 is true

2=1 is false

Only smart people know they are stupid,and stupid people act smart because they know they are smart,even if none else agree.

Tumetsu 18 years ago

Paradoxes are logical impossibilities like next sentence:

"This sentence is lie."

If it is lie, then it must be true and it really lies. If it's not lie, then it speaks true but it must be lie because it is true. Hard to explain but I think you will figure it out.

Juju 18 years ago

Emancipation for the protozoa proleteriat! Down with the bourgeoise bacteria!