Busy, busy, busy...

Posted by Tumetsu on May 2, 2007, 12:50 p.m.

Yeah, I'm busy. Actually I'm not busy currently but I will be soon. I must do couple of things in next few days. Firstly, I have three exams in next week. In monday I have exam of social studies, in wednesday I have exam of swedish and finally in friday I have exam of physics. Well… Last one will be pretty easy for me because I'm pretty good at it (and chemistry too) but I'm going to read atleast three times to it. However I must read a lot for that exam (maybe 70 pages). Well, social studies isn't that hard but it haves also quite much pages. But then swedish, duh. I'm not that good in it but I hope that I will got atleast grade 8/10.

And that was just exams. I must finish geography lecture (or something like that) in next week. I must also finish somekind book brochure about Mika Waltari's The Egyptian book. BTW, I recommend that book. It's great. No, I'm not just trying to promote finnish books it's really good. I must finish brochure in monday. I must also write somekind "speech" for my english lessons, but it's not hard job because I have written it already and I must only fix some grammar etc. And what disturbs my reading for these exams is next weekend's camp. Camp is about training us for next summer's confirmation camp where we should work as "isonen" (don't know what it's in english, can't find from dictionary). We just help priest and other leaders and speak to the members of confirmation class and so on.

We have somekind spring dances in this month in school. We have to find partner and if you don't have one teacher finds one for you D= Some boys escapes always when we have dance in P.E because they don't want to dance xD. And before you ask, this isn't somekind hiphop, we must dance waltz and other that kind dances. Well, we had dance in P.E today and seems like I got dance partner. I happened to waltz with one girl until lesson ended and she haven't had partner already so she asked me, yay.

Ah, but enought of school. I know this is already too long blog to anyone but before I end, I will tell something other also.

I bought Hotel Dusk Room 215 a little while ago. It was great game. Really good characters, really good graphics, really good story… I really enjoyed when palying it. Now I have played SSBM with my sister and I have found new "favorite" cahracter, Captain Falcon. I played before always with Kirby but now I play with Falcon because he haves so funny attacks like Falcon punch and Falcon kick. I haven't done actually anything with GM in while. I just didn't have inspiration, interest or time. And I doubt that I will have time in near future…

Well, gongratulations for you if you readed all what I writed. You should have a cookie for that but sadly I don't have any [:P]

Until next time see ya!


PS: Sorry for bäd inglish.


Josea 17 years, 10 months ago

congratulations ;)

Cesque 17 years, 10 months ago

Waltz needs to be renamed Erbrechentanz or something like that.

Also, I know the title almost certainly isn't a reference to Cat's Cradle, but it certainly looks like one. Tough world - soon saying "hello" will sound like a reference to some pop culture element.

Tumetsu 17 years, 10 months ago

Title isn't reference to Cat's Cradle. Actually I put it because I remembered how Rosa always says something like that in Hotel Dusk Room 215 [:P]

s 17 years, 9 months ago

I take it they are done now.How did it go down?

Tumetsu 17 years, 9 months ago

Well, seems like it gone well =)

Eventhought I must give a speech in english lessons in monday and I was sick when our teacher checked our speeches and fixed grammar mistakes. I wonder if I could show it here…? =D