Paradox, back in action

Posted by Tumetsu on July 11, 2007, 6:43 a.m.

Paradox & GM

Yeah, in my last blog I said that Paradox was frozen or something like that but couple days after that my and my friend's interest became back and we started to continue this project. I have also released week or two ago a new version of Paradox, version 0.33 (yeah, I know that first one was 0.5, but now we have completed 1/3 of whole game). This isn't very big release because it contains only one new level (6), and other new features etc. However, feedback is appreciated from sixth level. The reason why I released this pretty small update is that now we have achieved first goal. 1/3 is completed and project is in good way now. Now we have finally completed the whole storyline which will be in game and we have now 7 & 8 levels under development. I also made a website for Paradox project where we will add all news & information about project.

Well, I have made some other GM projects too but nothing special. One strategygame thing but I get bored when making AI xD

I make something little things now when my friend still makes graphics for Paradox. I don't believe that you will see any of them.


Well, I haven't done anything special. I have been outside, played Fire Emblem,readed and done many other things too.

It's been stupid summer here finland. It just rains and rains or it is cold outside. There was just one really warm week in summer when here was maybe +26C. Now it have been near whole time +15-20C so yeah -__-

In next week we are going to spend one week in lodge where isn't electric, running water etc. Very nice I think except that lake's water is probably only +18C warm so I don't think I can swim there (I fear cold water xD). Well, I must recharge my mp3 and mobile phone so I can listen some music there. And Nintendo DS for car trips of course. Eventhought there isn't electric or anykind like that it's very nice place I think.

Very well, I think this is enought. I don't have any other things where to write so until next time.


Dom 17 years, 7 months ago

well that lodge thing sounds alrigh unless its with family but if its with friends than it sounds like your gonna be having fun

s 17 years, 7 months ago

Ya,I'll DL paradox when tis complete

The changelog will be awsome now,eh?

Cesar 17 years, 7 months ago


my second fave game (after Ikaruga)

Firebird 17 years, 7 months ago

You mean, after OGame.

Tumetsu 17 years, 7 months ago


Well, it's with family…


Yeah, Fire Emblems are good games. Best one is 7 and next is Sacred Stones but Path of Radiance was disappointment… :(

Can't wait when they release DS FE :D