Weather engine

Posted by Tumetsu on Oct. 24, 2006, 9:10 a.m.

Well, I got idea to make weather engine. I will be used mostly in RPGs and it should mimic wind and how wind carries clouds and makes rain and snow and so on.

I was just wondering is anyone interested to make realistic weather effect to their game? Of course I cannot promise that I finish this or that it's easily usable but still.

Well, I will tell more about my idea. I got this when I thought what I can make next with GM and I noticed that I haven't seen many Weather engines.

I'm now studying how winds and clouds behave in real world and seems like it's possible to make engine what mimics all "normal effects". I will leave tornados and other more rare effects outside from this engine.

Well, I don't exactly know all these weather effects' english terms so this may have some mistakes (however I try to watch words from dictionary).

Well, I planned to make two kind points in map. Don't know is these points randomly placed, but anyway.

Other is "warmspot" and other is "coolspot".

Well, in real world wind moves from coolspot to the warm spot and there to the next coolspot. This is really simplificed description but anyways.

I planned to calculate that how long it takes that wind from coolspotA (CSA) reaches warmspotA (WSA). Then using this value, I can send rain clouds to the next position. Wind's speed also affects to the cloud's speed.

Usually clouds start raining when they are above coolspots so it starts rain. Well, cloud continues it's journey to the next position. There, depended cloud's size it's completely disappeared or it just stops raining.

So clouds appear usually in warmspots, because water transformes to the steam and makes cloud and clouds start raining above coolspots because steam transformes back to the water.

So this was simple description about my plans. Sorry if this text haves alot of grammar mistakes and such but I ask you to forgive me because Finland is my mothertongue and not english.

What you think about this kind engine? I will make little demostration program what lets you to watch how weather changes before I make actual engine.


Darktech 18 years, 4 months ago

cool sounds good

Onyx 18 years, 4 months ago

Sounds great. Good luck.

Tumetsu 18 years, 4 months ago

Thanks. My plan is now inside my head but today I'm going to put it to paper and start thinking it more accurarely like how something works etc.

By the way, if you have any suggestions, just post them. I'd love o hear some ideas what can improve this engine :)

Cesque 18 years, 4 months ago

That sounds very interesting. Quite honestly, I thought of creating something similar, but I believe I discarded it when I thought of how complex it'd need to be to mimic real world :P

Though, as you put it, it sounds really nice. Just in real world, there's more than one coolspot / warmspot…

Tumetsu 18 years, 4 months ago

Haha! Of course it's not like point to point in real world. I'm going to all "main weather features" so it will be easily merged to the game. So it's not going to be "just like real". My meaning is to create some realistic but simple weather effects what don't have all little details and stuff. I'm just studied winds and clouds and it seems to be possible to create this kind engine.

Josea 18 years, 4 months ago

You just gave me an idea to add to my RPG.

Hootiehoo 18 years, 4 months ago

How about slowly making the clouds less visible as they rain, and the amount of rain released based on the visibility? that way, lighter clouds rain less, etc. And remember to not make all clouds rain. Maybe like 1/10 should.

And maybe like 1/5 rainclouds should occasionally generate lightning.

And make the rain affected by the wind.

Good luck, hope it turns out OK!

Tumetsu 18 years, 4 months ago

Thanks Hootiehoo. I thought similar system about visibility. And I thought to make that clouds start raining when they have enought water and they are above coolspot. But it's rare to get enought water ;)